If you just analyze the numbers, the XBox seems to crush the Cube.

It's got a 733-MHz processor, beating the Cube's 485-MHz chip. It has a bigger "memory bandwidth," which is supposed to make the system faster, and it can display more "polygons per second" (116.5 million vs. the Cube's 6 million to 12 million). The XBox also has a built-in 8-GB hard drive and an ethernet port that allows for a high-speed Internet connection, and -- if you purchase a $30 remote control -- you can also use the Box to play DVDs.

But the numbers seem to lie. For one thing, in many of the games tested, there were few appreciable graphical differences between the systems. For all of XBox's numerical superiority, a few games loaded faster and looked better on the Cube.

And another thing about graphics: Though both the Cube and the XBox offer amazing images, neither has anything truly unprecedented. The Playstation2, which was released last year, offers pictures just as pretty. And so did Sega's Dreamcast. ( now-discontinued)

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With that in mind, what is your gameing console of choice and why?
