Now, some of you here might wonder why you are getting flamed up after asking a simple question... and i know your intentions are really so innocent and you do have the freedom of speach. but see.. think about it ok.. b4 u post a question. think first what the other people would feel or think after reading those questions. Im sure you ar just curious and so all of us but please.. just please.. ask questions that are helpful to everyone. Dont ask questions like "how do i hack hotmail?" and all other silly questions coz they are really silly.. there are lots of ways to do it and its a piece of cake, but what would u gain from it? access to the person's e-mail account? big deal, that person can open another account and close the old one. surely to some of us here its just child's play, and we are here for more serious reasons than hacking into someone's e-mail.

But i do agree your questions are very simple and straight forward but d00d.. its dumb.

If we give those kinds of information to newbies, that will just promote the increase numbers of crackers giving us, the good guys, a bad name to the public.

So if you do have a silly question, make sure to tell your intention..

A question like "how do i hack a hotmail?" surely does sound dumb.. but if u ask it in a different way like "im just curious to know how do some people hack into e-mail accounts? im sure this sounds dumb, but im just curious and i just want to know. im just here for the information and i assure you that i have no intentions or what so ever to hack someone's e-mail account"

Plain and simple. and im not pointing to specific people or such specific question.. coz it could be anyone asking any silly question. so to avoid being flamed by other people, ask something more serious and if its not that serious convince us that you're not up to something lame.