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Thread: NetGear rt314 router

  1. #1
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Aug 2001

    Question NetGear rt314 router

    Does anyone know how i would setup a webserver from behind my router. I have all the ports correctly routed and the filters setup properly but when you type and i decided to get a dyndns address so it would be easy to connect the. i type it in and instead of bring me to my homepage it brings me to my routers login screen. and it wants me to login, If i log in it takes me to the routers web menu. Does anyone have any idea what could be wrong.

    Also does anyone know how secure these routers are. Is it reletively easy for a "script kiddy" to bypass or getaround my firewall

    Thanks Alot

  2. #2
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    a few things.
    1. are you hosting this web site off a cable modem? becuase that will really suck. it would probably be alot better to use one of those free hosting services

    2. how is your routers fire wall configured? that is probably the main problem. and i'm pretty sure you need a seperate IP adress for the server but your isp only gives you one.

    and yes it probably is pretty easy for a script kiddie to mess your stuff up. make sure you change your pass word often.

    your best bet is to set up a gate way computer and loose the router

  3. #3
    Junior Member
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    Aug 2001
    oh and viperbiter does your name happen to be wes

  4. #4
    Junior Member
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    Aug 2001
    I am trying to host a website with a cable modem main just to see if i can do it and if to help transfer things to my friends.
    I have a static ip does that make any diffrence.
    Ill make sure to make sure my routers configured properly.
    Are there any other suggestions

    And no my names not wes


  5. #5
    Senior Member
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    Jul 2001
    I actually use the RT314 at my house so that I can connect all my computers through the cable modem (it also doubles as a pretty nice switch for intranet transfers). Anyway, I ran a website on one of my servers through a RT314 and I had no problems setting it up. The first thing you need to check is the port mappings (I believe the menu option is SUA Server Setup). In this option, you need to select the port you wish to forward, and the computer you wish to forward to. Simply type in the port and the INTERNAL IP address of the computer you wish to forward to. This way, any time the router receives a WWW request, it automatically forwards it to whichever computer you specified.

    The other thing that could be tripping you up is the filters. By default, telnet, www, and ftp are closed, so no requests are allowed through. So, you need to go into the filters that are defined and change it to allow WWW through. If you are really feeling spirited, you can design yourself a filter set that works best for you. I personally designed an implicit deny filter set for mine, so that only the ports that I specifically define as open are let through, all others are dropped.

    As for the security thing, as long as you don't allow telnet access to the router from outside your network (again this is a filter issue), then no one outside of your intranet will ever have the opportunity to try and break in. Though, you certainly want a non-trivial password, just in case you mess something up and don't realize it. The best advice I can give you is do some searches on ports, and RT314 configs, and use a web-based port scanner to check what ports are open.

    Hope this help!

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