December 4th, 2001, 11:06 AM
Does anyone know where can i find the programm DeCss? Pleaz
December 4th, 2001, 02:38 PM
Senior Member
follow the links.....
Happy Hacking
Warfare is the Way of deception.
-Sun Tzu \"The Art of War\"
December 4th, 2001, 09:00 PM
Thankz gaxprels. A message to (Shame on you...You know better than to ask these questions.This is not a warez forum) i'm sorry. Pleaz fogive me.
December 4th, 2001, 09:35 PM
Senior Member
Thankz gaxprels. A message to (Shame on you...You know better than to ask these questions.This is not a warez forum) i'm sorry. Pleaz fogive me.
Actually, to whomever gave Sebastos12 the bad feedback.....
DeCSS isn't warez. It's a script that helps Linux users to watch DVD's on their computers to allow fair use. It is not a program that has been altered to prevent from paying for the original (which is what warez is.) Just a little clarification. There is no difference between someone asking for help finding DeCSS and asking for help finding say... nmap, or Tiny Firewall, or ZoneAlarm, or Linux for that matter. Just a thought.
Happy Hacking
Warfare is the Way of deception.
-Sun Tzu \"The Art of War\"
December 4th, 2001, 09:46 PM
December 4th, 2001, 09:54 PM
hehbris, violating the retarded DMCA is not the same as warez...
Chris Shepherd
The Nelson-Shepherd cutoff: The point at which you realise someone is an idiot while trying to help them.
\"Well as far as the spelling, I speak fluently both your native languages. Do you even can try spell mine ?\" -- Failed Insult
Is your whole family retarded, or did they just catch it from you?
December 4th, 2001, 10:05 PM
no but it essentially is not equivalent to downloading legal freeware.
December 4th, 2001, 10:14 PM
Just a thought
Hey, with all this talk of illegal activites going on here, I'd like to know one thing. See I live in the US, and AntiOnline's servers are in the US as well. Now under US legislature, any person can speak freely without any need of fearing what he or she is saying. Now a person from, oh lets say Afganistan, where the rules are quite different. If they post something up here about government or seeing women in thongs at the beach...is that illegal?
Right, now on with this discussion. My thoughts are with chsh and gaxprels. I don't think it's warez or illegal, the internet is a fairly new concept, and laws arn't really bound down yet. Yet some of the laws are really out of bounds, for instance a few years ago there was a lawsuit complaining that some person had 'stolen' their webaddress. When really it was just a family's site with the same last name as a corporation. I can't remember who won, but in the end the company got it's webaddress.
...This Space For Rent.
December 4th, 2001, 10:21 PM
copyright law suits with respect to domain names have been filed many times in the past and many have been won. Laws concerning internet use in the US and Canada have been clearly drawn out. In the USA DeCSS is ILLEGAL. The end my stupid american friend.
December 4th, 2001, 10:22 PM
Senior Member
I thank you for bringing up the links you posted. The last ruling I heard was the turnover ruling that made DeCSS legal. I didn't hear about the November second turnover. Even if the code is illegal, however, the US government isn't going to nail someone that just wants to watch DVD's on their OS of choice. If someone copies a CD and gives it to a friend, it's not worth the time or money to go to court about. If someone is mass reproducing for resale or to give away for free (hundreds to thousands) then it would probably be worth it. The same applies to DVD's. Just my thoughts...
Happy Hacking
Warfare is the Way of deception.
-Sun Tzu \"The Art of War\"
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