December 4th, 2001, 03:18 PM
Junior Member
Satellite connections
i'm relocating to an area that will offer me two ways to connect
to other computers. through the local phone company or via satellite system. it would be direct tv or dish network.
are there other satellite options available that are unknown to the general populace? how secure would a satellite connection
be? are conventional security measures applicable or would i need a different set of standards?
thanks to repliers.
December 5th, 2001, 03:34 AM
As a general rule, satellite should be a last resort for high-speed connections, as you can't upload. Surfing with a sattelite connection is like browsing the channels on your TV. All you can do is choose what signal to listen to. Maybe things have changed since I have last heard, but given how sattelite connections work, I wouldn't hold my breath if I were you. If the service from your phone company is DSL (or something similar), you should definitely go with that. If they're just offering standard 56K service, you may want to get a sattelite connection, depending on what you want to do.
December 6th, 2001, 03:38 AM
yeah.... satellite is the single worst kind of connection.... it can do your simple stuff... but nothing good.... it is fast i hear though.... just not entirely useful...... personally, if it was between that and dial up... i would choose dial up
December 6th, 2001, 10:04 AM
And then there´s always the issue of privacy, why do you think that there are so many spy sattelites? If your ISP´s bird can catch your signals you can bet that there are atleast two others that do it to.
If it makes any difference I dunno since echelon (amongst others) catch both land and satelite signals.
Dear Santa, I liked the mp3 player I got but next christmas I want a SA-7 surface to air missile
December 7th, 2001, 01:00 AM
Originally posted by Pooh-Bear
And then there´s always the issue of privacy, why do you think that there are so many spy sattelites? If your ISP´s bird can catch your signals you can bet that there are atleast two others that do it to.
If it makes any difference I dunno since echelon (amongst others) catch both land and satelite signals.
Do tell, what makes you think there are privacy issues if you can't upload? I mean, you can still get viruses and all, but how can people get information about you if you can't upload it to them? They can't. What do spy sattelites have to do with ISPs? Nothing. Satellite connections are completely private.
December 7th, 2001, 04:18 AM
I doubt there are any spy satelites, but the issue of privacy is not gone. But with the upload thing, I thought you could upload, but it was extremely slow. Otherewise you wouldn't be able to post here would you?
December 7th, 2001, 05:31 AM
He said he was thinking about getting a sattelite connection. He doesn't necessarily have one yet. As far as uploading on a sattelite connection, I don't think a sattelite could handle all the signals if people could upload with them, no matter how slow. Maybe I'm wrong (I'm no expert), but I'm reasonably sure that sattelite connections have no means to upload. If you can't upload, I see no issue of privacy, as there is no way one can retrieve anything from your computer. But the extra privacy isn't worth it, as with no uploads, there is no way to do things like check e-mail, use an instant messenger, or post on AntiOnline. Most people recommend a sattelite connection to be considered the absolute last resort connection.
December 7th, 2001, 10:22 AM
Satelite privacy and sum info on Echelon
Ok, I´ll try to explain.
First of al, no upload? -With out sending any commands you would not be able to receive anything(period). (the first european with double-com satelite connection is Tiscali and they cal the service tiscalisat. Speed range from 150kb/s-500kb/s down and 40kb/s-140kb/s up)
For security, at the seminar I attended three weeks ago, One expert at wireless lan and one from the swedish security police (swedish fbi) lectured.
With wireless lan you can "catch" the radio signals with fairly inexpensive means by positioning yourself in front of or behind the antenna. Satelites communication is very similar but the signals are directed vertical(heh, that was kinda obvious, sorry). And if one satelite can recieve the signal so can another.
And about the asumption that there are no spy sattelites.. Dood, read up on the subject. A good thread is Echelon since it´s the biggest and covers both air and line communication. The "first" book about it is "Secret power" 1996 by Nicky Hager. At the time it was not published in the states (wonder why) but I dunno about the present.
If that is not enough (sigh) STOA (Scientific and Technological Options Assessment, an EC organ) has filed a report called Interception Capabilities 2000 and it can be found here.
Dear Santa, I liked the mp3 player I got but next christmas I want a SA-7 surface to air missile
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