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Thread: I have a simple request

  1. #1
    Junior Member
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    Sep 2001

    I have a simple request

    Hello people...Listen up...I clearly respect the computer savvy individual and my request is a simple one...I am not a netwerk admin so flamers keep it shut aight...I fianlly have access to a admin box at my other job...I am looking for just simple suggestions as to what exactly to explore on this netwerk as I am interested in expanding my knowledge of netwerks...I am not looking to *hack* and Im not interested in messing up any info that they have on the system.Im just looking for starting points for exploration and things that an admin should look for and at on a day to day basis...There was a post about sending messages to all the boxes on the netwerk...(that info again would be handy if somebody can post please)...Info such as that and any other insightful info that could be passed would be greatly appreciated...thanks

    btw the netwerk box is running windoze professional 2000 nt and the other boxes are running windoze98

  2. #2
    create a program that organizes the server. It's not that hard.
    Things you want to look for are the logs, monitored downloaded files. Lot's of times a keylogger will be installed look for that and see if User activity like who logged into the system is on or not. Transfer all important documents to a floppy. And change the system date that way you won't get busted. Change it to like 4/20/01 lol. Since you have admin rights. If you want to send a message you can edit the pop=up menu when a user logs onto the system. There should be a menu in the control pannel that will allow you to do it.

  3. #3
    Senior Member
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    Sep 2001
    A program that organizes the server?

  4. #4
    Fastest Thing Alive s0nIc's Avatar
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    Sep 2001


    d00d.. when u say u have access to the admin box.. is this over a LAN (Local Area Network) or over the net?

    coz if its just the lan the go to network neighborhood and search for the computer name.. when it pops up.. then double click on it and see what's there for share..

    but if u want to fully surf the files of the server.. then it all comes down to what O/S you are using... coz win2k has that feature where the admin can controll the server from the workstation...

    i dont remember if NT has it..

    u can also use Hyper Terminal..
    that proggy is like PC Anywhere and it is already installed in your box by default..

  5. #5
    Fastest Thing Alive s0nIc's Avatar
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    Sep 2001


    oh yeah.. about sending a msg to all of da boxes in the network.. u dun hafta be admin to do that..

    all u hafta do is go to the command prompt and type:

    net send <location> <message>

    example would be

    net send bljlab1 hello!

    bljlab1 is the Block J Laboratory of my school.. so every computers in Block J will have a window popping up on their screens saying "hello". and trust me.. they cant ignore the msg.. to resume normal activity.. they hafta press the "OK" button..

  6. #6
    Senior Member
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    Post Nbtstat

    This works on NT machines, just because I've done it before on them. But I'm not sure if it works on Win2k Pro. Try using Nbtstat on remote machines on the LAN.

    ...This Space For Rent.


  7. #7
    Junior Member
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    ????what tyme is it????

    good lookin thanks for the is on a lan a small one with like 12 boxes but hey if they let me use the admin box wtf do I care.Im just using this opportunity as a tool to increase my own knowledge which is what its all about right???anywayz Im outro and it will mos def be 1620 where I m @ tonight...peace out and bee safe...

  8. #8
    Senior Member
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    u can also use Hyper Terminal..that proggy is like PC Anywhere and it is already installed in your box by default..
    I don't believe hyper terminal is like pc anywhere - terminal services is like pc anywhere.

  9. #9
    Senior Member
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    Aug 2001
    great for you... just be sure not to make that box miserable. and if you, can you make your typing more clearly... many of our folks here cannot read in shortcuts! but who cares, right?

    and if you want to make exploration on the network. just read some stuff don't make others do things for you.
    \"The more you ignore me... the closer i get!\"

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