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Thread: Dos Attacks

  1. #1

    Dos Attacks

    Ok I have a confession........ when i go to a site, mostly secruity sites/h-, i never read about the important stuff, i always go str8 to the progs... this has sat me back frommy fellow comrads....... i want to start all over...... Ive read mentos articleonphrack, and i know a little about the rules about alo of our hobbies (not every ones on here). So basically im not asking how to "hack" a computer,im asking for information on the under ground, and where i can read more upon the following.........

    Dos attacks, i know its denial of service but how does it work?

    VBS, Visual basic? hmmmmm... i know they are used for viruses...

    What alldo i need to know about IPs? YEs i know a good deal about them, im not stupid, but i would like to know more.

    sometimes i see progs that say its desciption is a client/server...... what is it, is that anythng like a netbus patch?

    ok and for my last question......

    How do they make trojans? Im not saying i want to make one but how can i but a program inside of a jpeg for example, and activate it when the jjpeg is clicked upon....... i have encryption but it dosent activate when clicked upon the carrier......

    Thank you for listening, and i dont expect you to answer everyone, previous threads are ok, just anything, i want to learn.... Thanks for helping......

    Life Is like a Race, and we are all running to death..... think about that.

  2. #2

    Re: Dos Attacks

    Originally posted by bizzybutlazy
    Ok I have a confession........ when i go to a site, mostly secruity sites/h-, i never read about the important stuff, i always go str8 to the progs... this has sat me back frommy fellow comrads....... i want to start all over...... Ive read mentos articleonphrack, and i know a little about the rules about alo of our hobbies (not every ones on here). So basically im not asking how to "hack" a computer,im asking for information on the under ground, and where i can read more upon the following.........

    Dos attacks, i know its denial of service but how does it work?

    VBS, Visual basic? hmmmmm... i know they are used for viruses...

    What alldo i need to know about IPs? YEs i know a good deal about them, im not stupid, but i would like to know more.

    sometimes i see progs that say its desciption is a client/server...... what is it, is that anythng like a netbus patch?

    ok and for my last question......

    How do they make trojans? Im not saying i want to make one but how can i but a program inside of a jpeg for example, and activate it when the jjpeg is clicked upon....... i have encryption but it dosent activate when clicked upon the carrier......

    Thank you for listening, and i dont expect you to answer everyone, previous threads are ok, just anything, i want to learn.... Thanks for helping......

    Life Is like a Race, and we are all running to death..... think about that.

    Well u can get trojan codes from different sites and u can study them, that will give u the clear idea how there trojans are made. If u want i can give u the source code of BO.

  3. #3

    Lightbulb Re: DoS Attacks

    newOrder has a great article on DoS attacks. That would be a good place to start:

    Hope this helps,


  4. #4
    Senior Member
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    Oct 2001


    First of all bizzybutlazy, do not ask how to put a trojan inside of a jpeg image, then attach a jpeg to your message. This scares me. As for a good place to find info on hacking, there is I like this site because unlike many other hacker sites there arent hundreds of porn pop ups.
    Wine maketh merry: but money answereth all things.
    --Ecclesiastes 10:19

  5. #5
    Senior Member
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    Last I recall, there isn't a working way to insert the program inside of the image and have it execute when opened, as the image handler wouldn't have the capability of running it... However, if you made an image viewer, I'm sure that you could code it to allow for such a thing...

    I could be wrong about it not currently being possible.. I don't really have much interest in hiding trojans in images....
    \"Isn\'t sanity just a one trick pony anyway? I mean, all you get is one trick. Rational Thinking.
    But when you\'re good and crazy, hehe, the skies the limit!!\"

  6. #6
    Senior Member
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    yeah, i agree with Matty. i'm pretty sure that i have never heard of that being possible other then in the movies. you can attach a small trojan to a file (.jpg included) but i am pretty sure that there is no way to make it execute. and if the said file is more then 10 or 15 k, the image will become altered and not look like a image at all.

  7. #7
    Senior Member
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    Post Re: DoS Attacks

    Dos attacks, i know its denial of service but how does it work?

    VBS, Visual basic? hmmmmm... i know they are used for viruses...

    What alldo i need to know about IPs? YEs i know a good deal about them, im not stupid, but i would like to know more.

    sometimes i see progs that say its desciption is a client/server...... what is it, is that anythng like a netbus patch?

    ok and for my last question......

    How do they make trojans? Im not saying i want to make one but how can i but a program inside of a jpeg for example, and activate it when the jjpeg is clicked upon....... i have encryption but it dosent activate when clicked upon the carrier......

    Thank you for listening, and i dont expect you to answer everyone, previous threads are ok, just anything, i want to learn.... Thanks for helping......
    Hmmmm, I won't tell you all of these just so you won't get spoiled. Goto places like Google, Astalavista, and NewOrder. But i will point you in the right direction just so you won't get your ideas mixed up.

    -DoS attacks, ...for the sake of this forum, I won't tell how they are done. If you want further information, though, just go to the sites I posted above.

    -VBS, I beleive VBS stands for Visual Baisic Script, and is not entitled to only being used with virii.

    -IP Addresses eh? IP stands for Internet Protocol, and each computer hooked up to the internet/intranet has one. It's like a street address almost, except it changes every time you log on and off. Look for further info on this.

    -Client/Server - Trojans. This usually is for Backdoors - such as Sub7, Back Orfice, NetBus. The client is what you, the attacker, uses to infiltrate the host's computer. The server, is the program you send to the victim in the hopes that they open it. This creates a connection between the host and yourself on a certain open port.
    ...This Space For Rent.


  8. #8
    im surprised that this kid hasnt got any flameing yet... i was pretty sure thats all id hear when i came here, im glade their are a few mature people on this forum.


  9. #9
    AntiOnline Senior Member
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    Oct 2001
    Originally posted by acidphreak
    im surprised that this kid hasnt got any flameing yet... i was pretty sure thats all id hear when i came here, im glade their are a few mature people on this forum.

    The always flaming of people comes from the bad apples. We won't mock a newbie if he comes and wants to learn. And the people that do mock the newbs, they just are forgetting that at one time, they were newbs as well.

    AO is about learning, interacting, and sharing information with people of all levels of skill.

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