December 10th, 2001, 12:08 PM
Improving ones skills
well, i have already tons and tons of books and tuts and still i want to improve my skills in my field (which is networking).
a lot of people told me that no matter how much u read, it still will be a little help when you actually go and do it.
I asked one of my good networking friends on how i can improve my skills and they gave me a one sentence answer.. "get a job"
so does anyone here agrees that getting a job that is in-line with your field of expertiese would be a great help?
December 10th, 2001, 12:11 PM
Couldn't agree more. Hands on experience is invaluable. Good luck!
December 10th, 2001, 12:14 PM
I think it does:
1) at work you can play with some nice toys you never can afford on your own. Let's say a Storagetek tape bot, an IBM mainframe, parallel unix servers,...
2) if there are other realy good admins you can learn a lot from them.
3) You get paid
4) Work pays for courses and seminars
December 10th, 2001, 12:39 PM
I was told that the best way to learn network security was to build your own network. It should be tcp/ip and consist of computers running at least two different OS's. It was suggested one be a flavor of linux and the other windows. These were suggested since you probably already have windows, and you can get linux for free. You can use this network to test for vulnerabilities on the computers and learn hacking skills. This will teach you to become "elite" without having to break the law. Currently I am setting up a network in the way that was suggested. It consists of mandrake 8.1 on one machine and windows me on a seperate machine. Both have 10baseT ethernet cards in them, and are connected to an inexpensive linksys hub. I hope to learn from this and become more skilled in network security.
Wine maketh merry: but money answereth all things.
--Ecclesiastes 10:19
December 10th, 2001, 01:48 PM
Junior Member
I'd suggest building a "large" home network.
I have something like (on and off) 8 machines running set up to be routers and nodes and stuff.
You get a lot of practice that way.
PLUS: You can take known vulnerable programs and see how they behave when put under stress.
If you break your own stuff no-one will want to get back to you.
Doing that on a job is a bit tricky, cuz you can't try that much in a production environment...
If you cen\'t beat them: Have them beaten! ;-)
December 10th, 2001, 01:56 PM
Getting a job and going to hacking conferences.
AT the hacking comferences you can volunteer and work with more skilled people or work with equipment you could never afford.
December 10th, 2001, 02:18 PM
Junior Member
Work is the perfect oppertunity to get the skills you desire, that is if your determined enough to land a quality job, its not easy. This is only my word, but if your looking for the most money and technical detail, I would suggest aiming for a networking field somewhere along the lines of *nix/Linux. Not neglecting Micro$oft, it would also be a well thought idea to take in accout these OS versions as well. Any company or oppertunity that offers a combination of the three, *nix, Linux, Windows is a worthwhile investment.
Education granted, Experience Inevitable.
December 10th, 2001, 02:54 PM
Well of course getting a job is the best way to learn about a skill you wish to increase. If your good at basketball do you think the best way to learn how to be better is to play out back with urself or play against another team and learn how other people play so that you can play better. Even sex is like that, sure its fun to beat off every so often, but when it all comes down to it theres no better way to get better at it then accually doin it 
And i agree with one other point, You do get to play with thinks you could never afford at home but you can at a job, such as a nice fast T1 connection.
Oh yeah and them cool paper weights!
December 11th, 2001, 01:21 AM
haha thanks for the replies d00ds... damn, now i hafta go and look for a job.. hahaha for a moment there, i can feel that the Real World is calling me.. hahahah
December 11th, 2001, 02:55 AM
I've spent hundreds of hours in classes and reading, but what I learned doesn't come close to what I've learned on the job.
I've found that books and class teach you "how it works in theory", but being on the job teaches you "how it really works."
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