December 10th, 2001, 01:50 PM
Hello Antiterrorism act... good-bye freedom...
do you guys realize the implications of what the anti-terrorisn (which passed in senate) are? well say good-bye to american freedom. Basically, this bill allows the government to do what they want... it's a bill that has so many generalities that can be altered to fit specific instances. so basically it allows them to do what they want, and then justify it by saying, "it falls under the anti-terrorism act" it will allow the gov't to read emails, allow the FBI to run carnivore legally, monitor all messaging services, the list goes on and on. plus there are so many things that can be added because of the vagueness of the bill. the reason they did it that way is so that they wouldn't have to vote on bills everytime a new security issue comes up.... nice thought in theory, but it makes the bill way to powerful and possibly unconstitution... sadly, the supreme court will never block it... cause most of america supports it, due solely to lack of understanding.
December 10th, 2001, 01:56 PM
Junior Member
I completely agree with you.
I can understand the reason for passing such a bill though.
If the folks on Capitol Hill had to gather and vote everytime, it'd take weeks for them to react to such a thing as september 11th.
It is sad, that there is no non-government organisation (say maybe a church or such) to monitor, what the govt does.
That would help to make me feel better even with such a law in place...
If you cen\'t beat them: Have them beaten! ;-)
December 10th, 2001, 02:00 PM
Originally posted by NHBoehm
I completely agree with you.
I can understand the reason for passing such a bill though.
If the folks on Capitol Hill had to gather and vote everytime, it'd take weeks for them to react to such a thing as september 11th.
It is sad, that there is no non-government organisation (say maybe a church or such) to monitor, what the govt does.
That would help to make me feel better even with such a law in place...
Good idea, an organisation that watches over the gov.
December 10th, 2001, 02:11 PM
there are many non-profit organizations that act as government watchdogs. the biggest one relating to privacy is the EFF. A government appointed watchdog would be undemocratic. The fact that people would want such an organization devalidates the entire electoral system ie) let's elect a government for the government we have already elected to represent us.
December 10th, 2001, 02:39 PM
I agree one hundred percent with the opening remark. Just passing this act is unconstitutional. Putting it into order would vialate or freedom. Must people are to stuppid, or decide about the artical by reading the news paper, that they don't know about the fine print. In my opion our government needs abolished. We have the right in our constitution to abolish our government if it gets too strong. I think the time is right. Did you know that the gov. wants us to the think our rights our somthing great that they give us instead of God given? In this way they can take them a way, because people will think that the gov. gave them the rights. I agree with the last qoute to some degree, but the government is so unconstitutional that this is hardly relivant. I think we the people need to do the watching of our government AND CHECK IT IF IT GETS OUT OF HAND!!!!!!!!!
December 10th, 2001, 02:48 PM
The way i see it is the gov. is basicly going to do whatever the hell they want to regardless of what we want. No matter what we try to do to stop them they will ALWAYS find a way to pass what they want to pass, to our faces or behind our backs. This is a world where busniess and gov. have all the power, not us the people. The gov and busniess are not people as you and I but they are creatures like Bin Laden , When they feel they are right, they will do ANYTHING to get thier way
December 10th, 2001, 03:05 PM
Well, I can understand the comments that have been made. To be blunt, I think a lot of the problem here is that the US has gone from a position of having no perceived terrorist threat, to one that is very real, which is understandable given what happened on september 11th. But laws that are passed without proper scrutiny tend to end up being bad pieces of legislation.
It may be of interest to note that the UK is currently trying to extend its "anti terrorist" legislation, but has suffered a series of defeats in the upper house (the House of Lords). The main reason for this is that the consequences have not been thought through - most of the measures (e.g. access to all private financial information, detention without trial, copies kept of everyones email for 7 years) do not require a judge to rule on whether or not it is appropriate - i.e. they can be used by the government if they think it is the right thing to do.
December 10th, 2001, 03:21 PM
While the government can do pretty much what they want, regardless of what the "people" want, when it comes to software and such, I think they're going to find that a lot of people aren't up to the idea of the government "spying" on them. I've already switched AV's from NAV to Sophos because Sophos open stated that their AV will detect the FBI's programs (of which I need to study about more). Major companies like Norton will suffer loss from people who really know what's going on because they're not putting up with it at all. I myself, am one of those people.
We the willing, led by the unknowing, have been doing the impossible for the ungrateful. We have done so much with so little for so long that we are now qualified to do just about anything with almost nothing.
December 10th, 2001, 04:15 PM
#1- i want to start a protest against this, please everyone who livess in the u.s. write your house representitive an email or a letter.
#2- can you post a link to the sophos site... i want to check this bad boy out.
that which they are imposing upon us is unconstitutional... the time to react is now. let's stand strong and do something about it.
December 10th, 2001, 04:36 PM
In democracy change occurs when the people demand change in force. This is accomplished during the elections. This is the foundation of democracy. Governments can make, change or erase a law, it is what we as the citizens give them power to do. The US constitution outlines this very clearly. You also cannot possibly blame Bush as the Senate has a democrat majority. The US government is really on a fine line here between invasion and public safety, this is obvious, but you have provided no evidence that they have crossed a line which violates the clauses of the US constitution, and even if they have, the will of the people will always surpass that of the individual in the free world. It is scary but true. Therefore, based on your constitution, the United States will condone murder, invasions, theft, torture, slavery, etc. So don't go around waving your arms in the air claiming this law to be unconstitutional, it is the will of the people.
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