December 12th, 2001, 01:47 AM
anti points!
can someone tell me what the anti points are for? THANKS!
December 12th, 2001, 02:04 AM
December 12th, 2001, 02:17 AM
Well, Antipoints interact with the higgs boson, with negative antipoints attracted to very strong 'Bozo(n)s'. The strong nuclear force can often interact so that Antipoints catalyze a destructive event involving fiery nuclear flamage. Antipoints are also a way of answering the age-old question: "If a man eats a pound of pasta, and a pount of antipasta, is he still hungry?" It should be noted that in this context they occur in a logarithmic scale.
But seriously, I think they mainly just show up to people. I've never heard any specifics about anything like changing a user's post-per-day limit, or any sort of quantitative thing like that.
[HvC]Terr: L33T Technical Proficiency
December 12th, 2001, 02:25 AM
LOL Terr...and another good idea!
"entia non sunt multiplicanda praeter necessitatem"
"entities should not be multiplied beyond necessity."
-Occam's Razor
December 12th, 2001, 04:11 AM
Re: :)
Originally posted by Ouroboros
" LOL Terr...and another good idea!
" Why don't you just bend down and kiss his ass? I hate ****s like you.You are a total suckup syrophant!!!!
December 12th, 2001, 04:16 AM
i believe you mean sychophant....
December 12th, 2001, 11:30 AM
Senior Member
well, atlast i found what's that antipoints means... to tell you the truth people i don't really have the clue... or many of us doesn't have the clue...
thank's 'Smil3y'
\"The more you ignore me... the closer i get!\"
December 12th, 2001, 03:08 PM
The AntiPoints System Is Now Online!
Hi Smil3y and Protocool!
Good day to both of you! You might want to check the link above to know more about the Antipoints system, its mechanics and purpose.
A blessed day to all
"I expect to pass through this life but once. Therefore, if there be any kindess I can show, or any good thing I can do for another human being, let me do it now, for I shall not pass this way again."....William Penn
December 12th, 2001, 06:30 PM
The antipoint system exists to reward people who like other people by giving people the ability to give other people more anti-points....or something.
- Jimmy Mac
Replicants are like any technology, if there not a hazard, its not my problem....
December 12th, 2001, 08:07 PM
They were originally set up so that you could tell if someone knew what they were talking about very quickly. See the little box(s) below the name on the left? The more little green boxes you see, the more antipoints that person has. That means that they have made posts that other people think are intelligent. If you only have one little box (like me), that means that I haven't posted many intelligent things. If the box isn't green, then they haven't posted anything intelligent.
Well, at least that was how it was supposed to be set up. Now, they are used so you can give negative antipoints as a form of revenge. Basically, they are only good to start flame wars and other anoying crap that keeps showing up in a lot of the threads.
But, if you took the time to check the link that Alexzel put up, you would already know the first part. And if you took the time to read the forums, you would already know the second part.
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