December 15th, 2001, 03:44 PM
Packet Sniffer/Softice Question
Can anyone tell me where I can get a good, free internet packet sniffer for windows? I have download tons of viruses and tons of non working programs trying to get one. The other thing I am looking for is softice. Do you know where you can get a free version? Last of all I would like to close with a word to those supposedly "High Tech Hackers". First of all I have never got a bad point from a bad post, so I speak for most of the newbies. You guys where once newbies to, and you probably asked stupid questions too. Now when we ask them you think your too high and mighty to answer a simple question. The things you condem you do yourself. For instance a lot of people want to hack hotmail or yahoo email accounts. Even if this has no reason they just want to learn to hack. You guys hack sites all the time, but of course when you do it, it is all right. But when a newbie asks a question you chastize them. How do you expect us to LEARN anything? Webpages are useally over our head, are infested with porn, or tell you nothing. It seems to me you high tech guys think its cool to cuss and be as illiterate as possible. I want to be a hacker, but no one will help me. This post will probably get negitive points, but the price is worth it. THIS DOES NOT APPLY TO ALL HACKERS. SOME ARE REALLY NICE AND HELPFUL. THEY ARE FEW AND FAR APART. ONE OF THE NICE ONES I THINK IS SONIC. IF YOU HAVE INFO OR FLAMES SEND THEM TO sandsword2@excite.com.
December 15th, 2001, 06:15 PM
Last of all I would like to close with a word to those supposedly "High Tech Hackers". First of all I have never got a bad point from a bad post, so I speak for most of the newbies. You guys where once newbies to, and you probably asked stupid questions too. Now when we ask them you think your too high and mighty to answer a simple question. The things you condem you do yourself. For instance a lot of people want to hack hotmail or yahoo email accounts. Even if this has no reason they just want to learn to hack. You guys hack sites all the time, but of course when you do it, it is all right. But when a newbie asks a question you chastize them. How do you expect us to LEARN anything? Webpages are useally over our head, are infested with porn, or tell you nothing. It seems to me you high tech guys think its cool to cuss and be as illiterate as possible. I want to be a hacker, but no one will help me. This post will probably get negitive points, but the price is worth it. THIS DOES NOT APPLY TO ALL HACKERS. SOME ARE REALLY NICE AND HELPFUL. THEY ARE FEW AND FAR APART.
It's not that we think were all to mighty to answer your questions. It's just that some people want a "10-step guide to hacking a UNIX box" (hehe Terr). They don't want to learn, or search. It's so much fun finding things on your own...saying that you hacked/cracked/whatever on your own, without anybody's help. Sure we've asked stupid questions before...who hasn't? But we (the so-called 1337) learnt from the flames...and went to go searching - always pondering why things happen, what makes programs run...how networks are set up. People ask us for tips and help on cracking an email server. Ok ...fine, so we give it to the first person that asks us...then 2 more come...then 4 more...and it always adds onto itself...never ending. Neophytes are no turning into lamers and scripties that could care less to learn a programming language. And then they come back some more...asking what to do now that their in. For what is there to do besides read mail...thats why you have your own email.
You say how do you expect to learn anything. Have you tried reading at all...it's good medicine for the stupid. Nobody taught us...it's a tough world out there...nobody helped us...we did it ourselves...thats what makes us prosper in a place such as this. Sure we make mistakes..say the wrong thing at the wrong time...but we learn from it...and it never happens again...
You say that your begenning to think that being a hacker is talking illiterate and cursing at people. Tell me dear friend...how many curse words have I said in this post...how many misspelled words...yet you are getting the point...are you not?
[P.S. - This place is for internet security, not internet attacks...look at AntiOnlines banner...i beleive it says something like: Hackers Know The Weaknesses In Your System. Shouldn't You?]
...This Space For Rent.
December 15th, 2001, 09:32 PM
Well said
I agree with you mostly. There are a lot of script kiddies and lamers out there. You will see in my post I wrote A LOT or MOST hackers. I have searched for help. I admit I'm pretty stupid, but I see all the little guys asking for help and all they get is flamed. You most admit that A LOT of hackers are illiterate and can't type properly. Thanks for your post.
December 29th, 2001, 08:45 PM
Re: sandsword2
Hehehe...now for some guidence. 
I have searched for help. I admit I'm pretty stupid, but I see all the little guys asking for help and all they get is flamed.
Try looking up what you want at Google. It's fast, it's easy, and it's got a cool holiday logo up right now if your interested.
You most admit that A LOT of hackers are illiterate and can't type properly. Thanks for your post.
No, those are just the ones who want you to think their hackers... yet some may be ones. So don't take my word on it.
...This Space For Rent.
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