View Poll Results: Is DOS (DDoS) alright to you at some points in time?
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Yes, some of thoes morons you meet just need to taste some packets
No, I am totally against all forms of DoS on any party(s)
I have NEVER DoSed and i am totally against it
I need a button to click on to feel important and have no real opinion on the subject
December 20th, 2001, 04:16 AM
Significant Other
I was just wondering where the rest of the AntiOnline members fall into as far as having a significant other, or looking for one, or not interested at all.
Welcome to Hell , where we have served more than all of the fast food chains put together! And the number grows everyday! Stay tuned!
December 20th, 2001, 05:00 AM
not looking anymore...
Married, with a child on the way...
here she is...i consider myself very lucky to have found a truly honest person to be with...
"entia non sunt multiplicanda praeter necessitatem"
"entities should not be multiplied beyond necessity."
-Occam's Razor
December 20th, 2001, 06:27 AM
Most commonly thing said to me by girls:
"I like you as a friend"
"Your ugly and smell bad.. I don't like you.. Go Away..."
\"Isn\'t sanity just a one trick pony anyway? I mean, all you get is one trick. Rational Thinking.
But when you\'re good and crazy, hehe, the skies the limit!!\"
December 20th, 2001, 07:00 AM
well, ummm. I guess so. Kinda. Or maybe not. You know, I'm really not sure. I would really like to find out one of these days, but oh well. Thats the way life is sometimes...
December 20th, 2001, 02:07 PM
Hi Matty,
Good day to you!
By Matty: Most commonly thing said to me by girls:
"I like you as a friend"
"Your ugly and smell bad.. I don't like you.. Go Away..."
hmmm.... I don't think that you are ugly, that you smell bad and that a girl does not like you, just because she said "I like you as a friend." Sometimes, greater things bloom from friendship. I guess you have not yet met the girl that's meant for you. Besides, we usually meet that "significant other" of ours at a time when we don't even expect it to happen. I believe everyone is special in this world, thus, so are you Matty 
A blessed day to all! Merry Christmas!
"I expect to pass through this life but once. Therefore, if there be any kindess I can show, or any good thing I can do for another human being, let me do it now, for I shall not pass this way again."....William Penn"
December 20th, 2001, 03:21 PM
Junior Member
Married with two girls ages 3 and 10.
You gotta love it.
December 20th, 2001, 03:45 PM
single again
I'm single again, another one got scared and ran... well let's just say for a while after becoming single I was the little scary noise that makes things go bump in the night ( i may still be that noise...) just to get even with the ******* (yes i know it's mean, but he deserved it!) let's just hope my next flame doesn't think badly of me for things i have done... (no sharp objects were involved, no people/items were lost/stolen/burned)
I truly am a sweet intelligent individual... why do all my ex's feel intimidated and run????? Oh yeah, probably because i always end up with a dumbass!
December 20th, 2001, 04:06 PM
Junior Member
Everyday I wake up I wonder what is is like to be single. It seems like I been married for decades.
If I were you cheez_cake take advantage of the freedoms you have now.
It sucks to ask if i can go watch football at the bar with some buddies, or can I spend some money to get a new tattoo. Dont get me wrong being with someone does have its benefits I just cant think of them now.
December 20th, 2001, 04:22 PM
forget it
no way! it takes years to build that special something that allows you to laugh at years of bungled trips to the mall, dining out experiences, etc... i would rather start sooner than later! (besides that, whoever that someone is and where ever they are, well... they have alot of catching up to do because i have two friends i've known for over 10 years now and someone is going to have to get along with not only me but be agreeable with them too...) if something special is truly there, then neither myself nor my significant other will be worried about spending money (would probably have an understanding, ex: anything over 80 dollars we need to agree upon or atleast budget for) and that's the end of the story!!!! i've lived off of less than 15K for my entire college career and i live very very well! i couldn't imagine my significant other ASKING me to go have a beir and hang with the guys. Unless we made special plans in advance, then if we truly cared about each other then neither of us would think of canceling our special plans.
December 20th, 2001, 04:27 PM
women like it when you punch them for disobeying you.
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