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Thread: Laguages and hacking

  1. #1
    Junior Member
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    Dec 2001

    Laguages and hacking

    do you REALLY think that in order to be a good hacker you have to know programming? i know pascal and HTML....

    i disagree with this you need to know about the machine your hacking right and other things

    but languages like C doesnt that just build u stuff...i know it can make proggys like trojans but is it all essential.....

    i play wargames from time to time and u need to know that type of coding....

    write me back and tell me what you think
    <blink> Mark </blink>

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    Well first up this aint a cracker site so I hope you mean hacking in the good sense.

    i disagree with this you need to know about the machine your hacking right and other things
    Anyway of course languages are essential to a hacker, its hard to accomplish things without knowledge of what youre doing.

    Knowledge of C/C++ would surely be useful to a Linux user would it not.

    but languages like C doesnt that just build u stuff...i know it can make proggys like trojans but is it all essential.....
    Well here we like to build not destroy.

    HTML is not really a language

    Anyway Merry Christmas

  3. #3
    Junior Member
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    Dec 2001


    im am very aware of that i just think people especially on HDC bulletin board say that u pretty much have to have it...

    i just dont think all that is essential anybody else agree?
    <blink> Mark </blink>

  4. #4
    AO Antique pwaring's Avatar
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    You don't have to know HTML or C/C++ to be a hacker, but if you want to understand half the articles in hacking e-zines you'll need to have a grasp of at least the basics of C because that's what most of the code will be written in.

    HTML isn't a language as such, but it's a good starting point if you want to get into programming. It's used for creating webpages, so if you're thinking of building a website then that's the way to go.

    If you want to learn a proper programming language, start with something simple such as Perl or PHP, because C is very difficult as a first language (believe me, I tried learning the hard way and it took me about 6 months just to figure out the simple stuff!).

    Hope this helps.
    Paul Waring - Web site design and development.

  5. #5
    Basically it all depends what type of "hacker"
    you want to become,if you want to become
    really good than c,c++ and perl are a must.

    Real hackers dont wait until someone codes
    an exploit for them,they code their own. So
    the answer is YES it is very important that
    you know how to program if you expect to
    become any good at hacking.

    I said Hacking not cracking,hacking will
    give you a really great future,cracking....
    well I'm not even gona get into that I'm
    guessing you know what I mean.

    Merry christmas,ho ho ho.


  6. #6
    Junior Member
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    Dec 2001

    ah i see

    i dont really know that much really i wanna learn but i cant have the time to learn all those languages from school and working life and my social life....

    i dunno what to do i wanna learn but i know i cant cut corners all the time any easy way to learn
    <blink> Mark </blink>

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    Well the easy is becoming a scipt kiddie, the real way is just devout your life to hacking which will mean cutting out a few aspects of social life but dosent mean you have to cut yourself off.

  8. #8
    Senior Member
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    yeah... i agree with what has been said. knowing c/c++ is basically essential. you can be a hacker without it, but life is 10 times easier once you know it. to be a hacker, you don't have to know it, but to be a *good* hacker, you should know it.

    i cant have the time to learn all those languages from school and working life and my social life....
    Social life? What's that?

  9. #9
    Old-Fogey:Addicts founder Terr's Avatar
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    Seattle, WA
    You at least need to know English in today's English-dominated web. At any rate, it REALLY helps.

    As for languages... I dunno. Before delving into programming, I think learning to use command lines and internal/external OS commands fluently is even more imporant as a basis. In other words, DOS prompts or *nix shells (BASH is common.)

    I would say NOT to look at Visual Basic or another 'easy' language before another language... search out a more punishing language. Because if you get used to programming without doing all these little 'work habit' things, like adding commenting, and explicitly declaring variables, it often comes out as pretty substandard code.

    I've peeked at assembly, but I'll see how far I can get without ever needing to use it. It scares me.
    [HvC]Terr: L33T Technical Proficiency

  10. #10
    Junior Member
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    Dec 2001


    thanx a lot for the input from you guyz.

    i know pascal as i studied it and i also know html...

    i know most Dos commands and a few commands for the war games.....

    where should i begin at a strong, unrushed pace?
    <blink> Mark </blink>

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