December 27th, 2001, 07:35 PM
IRC flags
See http://www.antionline.com/showthread...hreadid=137369 for basic commands
See http://www.antionline.com/showthread...hreadid=137507 for useful advanced commands.
See http://www.antionline.com/showthread...hreadid=137514 for useless advanced commands.
See http://www.antionline.com/showthread...hreadid=137515 for Operator and Services commands.
This addendum is just the flags that are available. It was just quickly pieced together, so it isn't written very neatly. Some flags are restricted to operators only.
User Modes
(/mode <nick> +<flag>)
O = Local IRC Operator
o = Global IRC Operator (channel operator)
i = Invisible (Not shown in /who searches)
w = Can listen to wallop messages
g = Can read & send to globops, and locops
h = Available for help
s = Can listen to server notices (see snomasks)
k = See's all the /KILL's which were executed
S = For services only. (Protects them)
a = Is a Services Administrator
A = Is a Server Administrator
N = Is a Network Administrator
T = Is a Tech Admininistator
C = Is a Co Administrator
c = See's all Connects/Disconnects on local server
f = Listen to flood alerts from server
r = Identifies the nick as being registered
x = Gives the user hidden hostname
e = Can listen to server messages sent to +e users
b = Can read & send to chatops
W = (IRC Operators only) Lets you see when people does a /whois on you
q = (Services Admins only) Only U:lines can kick you
B = Marks you as being a Bot
F = Lets you recieve far Connect notices & Local notices.
I = Invisible Join/Part. Makes you being hidden at channels
H = (IRC Operators only) Hide IRC Operator status in /who and /whois
d = Makes it so you can not recieve channel messages
v = Receive infected DCC send rejection notices
t = Says that you are using a /vhost
G = Filters out all bad words (badwords.message.conf) in messages with <censored>
z = Marks the client as being on a Secure Connection (SSL).
(/mode <nick> +s +<snomask>)
c - local connects
F - far connects
f - flood notices
k - kill notices
e - 'eyes' notices
j - 'junk' notices
v - vhost notices
G - gline/shun notices
Channel Modes
(/mode <chan> +<flag>)
p = Private channel
s = Secret channel
i = Invite-only allowed
m = Moderated channel, noone can speak except users with mode +voh
n = No messages from outside channel
t = Only channel operators may set the topic
r = Channel is registered
R = Requires a registered nickname to join the channel
c = No ANSI color can be sent to the channel (ColourBlock)
q = Channel owner
Q = Peace mode See below
O = IRCop only channel (Setable by IRCops)
A = Administrator only channel (Setable by Admins)
K = /Knock is not allowed
V = /Invite is not allowed
S = Strip all incoming colours away
(/mode <chan> +<flag> <option>)
l <number of max users> = Channel may hold at most <number> of users
b <nick!user@host> = Bans the nick!user@host from the channel
k <key> = Needs the channel key to join the channel
o <nickname> = Gives operator status to the user
v <nickname> = Gives voice to the user (May talk if chan is +m)
L <chan2> = If +l is full, the next user will auto-join <chan2>
a <nickname> = Gives protection to the user (No kick/drop)
e <nick!user@host> = Exception ban - If someone matches it they can join even if a ban matches them
h <nickname> = Gives halfop status to the user See below
f[*]<lines>:<seconds> = Flood protection, if * then banned, else just kicked
H = No +I users may join that channel. (Setable by Admins).
N = No nickname changes are permitted in the channel.
^ = Reports Channel modes in bitstring.
G = Makes the channel G Rated.
u = "Auditorium". Makes /names and /who #channel only show @'s
C = No CTCPs allowed in the channel.
z = Only Clients on a Secure Connection (SSL) can join.
Channel mode +Q Noone can kick each other except by U:Lines. Bans can be placed though.
Channel halfops (+h) can Set topic, Kick non-ops, and Set modes +vmntibe
Stats Flags
(/status <flag>)
k = Lists all the current K:Lines, Z:Lines (Banned hosts/IP) & E:Lines (K:Line exceptions)
g = Lists all the current G:Lines (Banned hosts) & Shuns
E = Lists all the current E:Lines (K:Line Exceptions)
f = Lists all the current F:lines (Filename masks on DCCDENY)
O = Lists all the current O:Lines (IRC Operator Lines)
Q = Lists all the current Q:Lines (Forbidden Nicks)
C = Lists all the current C/N:Lines (Servers to connect or accept connects from)
H = Lists all the current H:Lines (Hub Lines) & L:Lines (Leaf Lines)
n = Lists all the current n:Lines (GECOS Deny)
V = Lists all the current VHost lines
T = Lists all the current T:Lines (Specific MOTD/Rules Lines)
Y = Lists all the current Y:Lines (Connection classes)
U = Lists all the current U:Lines (Usually Services)
v = Lists all the current V:Lines (Version Deny)
D = Lists all the current D:Lines (Disallow Lines-Oper & Server Orig Connects)
d = Lists all the current d:Lines (Disallow Lines-Autoconnects)
e = Lists all the current e:Lines (Proxy scan exempt IPs)
I = Lists all the current I:Lines (Client auth Lines)
F = Lists all the current F:Lines (DCCDENY Lines)
r = Lists all Channel Restrict lines
N = Lists the Network Configuration report
S = Gives the Dynamic Configuration report
W = Gives the current Server Load
q = Lists all the SQLINEed Nicks
u = Server Uptime
m = Gives the Server command list
z = Gives Misc Server Information
s = Returns the scache and NS numbers
t = Returns Misc Info
L = Information about current server connections
Quote options
(quote list <options>)
>number List channels with more than <number> people.
<number List channels with less than <number> people.
C>number List channels created between now and <number> minutes ago.
C<number List channels created earlier than <number> minutes ago.
T>number List channels whose topics are older than <number> minutes.
T<number List channels whose topics are newer than <number> minutes.
*mask* List channels that match *mask*
!*mask* List channels that do not match *mask*
UnrealIRCd O:Line flags
r = Access to /rehash server
h = Oper can send /help ops - gets +h on oper up
g = Oper can send /globops
w = Oper can send /wallops
l = Oper can send /locops
c = Access to do local /squits and /connects
k = Access to do local /kills
b = Oper can /kline users from server
B = Oper can /unkline users from server
n = Oper can send local server notices (/notice $servername message)
u = Oper can set /umode +c
f = Oper can set /umode +f
O = Global oper, flags included: oRDK
o = Local oper, flags included: rhgwlckbBnuf
R = Access to /restart server
D = Access to /die server
K = Access to do global /kills
A = Gets +A on oper up. Server Administrator
a = Gets +a on oper up. Services Administrator
N = Gets +N on oper up. Network Administrator
T = Gets +T on oper up. Technical Administator
C = Gets +C on oper up. Co Administrator
Y = Access to do remote /squits and /connects
z = Can add /zlines
H = Gets +x on oper up.
W = Gets +W on oper up.
^ = Allows to use umode +I
* = Flags AaNCTzSHW^
Rehash Flags
(/rehash -<flags>)
dccdeny - Rehashes dccdeny.conf
dynconf - Rehashes UnrealIRCd Config and Network file
restrict - Rehashes chrestrict.conf
vhost - Rehashes vhost.conf
motd - Rehashes all MOTD files and RULES files (including T:lines)
opermotd - Rehashes the OPERMOTD
botmotd - Rehashes the BOTMOTD
garbage - Force garbage collection
badwords - Rehashes the badwords config.
htm options
(/htm <option>)
ON - Force HTM to activate
OFF - Force HTM to deactivate
NOISY - Make HTM announce when it is entering/leaving HTM
QUIET - Stop HTM from announcing when it is entering/leaving HTM
TO <value> - Tell HTM at what incoming rate to activate HTM
December 27th, 2001, 08:33 PM
I am in information overload dude..thanks for the posts though
December 27th, 2001, 08:39 PM
this has got to be the dumbest tutorial ever made. Get a life instead of wasting away learning flags for IRC.
December 27th, 2001, 08:42 PM
go blow a goat......Its better than ANYTHING you ever posted!!
Too bad your are banned from chat....FAGGOT
December 27th, 2001, 08:49 PM
I always wanted to post something that would get flamed. I have finally reached my goal. I am so proud. And gee, if he would have taken the time to check the links, he might have understood the purpose of this tutorial.
BTW: obilo, I can't have a life. The government won't let me.
December 27th, 2001, 08:59 PM
FLAME??? soule any flame from OBLOW is a friggin compliment!!!
August 22nd, 2002, 06:58 AM
Junior Member
Great post.very informative.
gonna try some of them later.
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