Hey guys.. i was just reading some things on this website and i came across a section that tells you how to tell if your kid is a malicious hacker.. I was reading through and saw a sentence that asked.. "5. Every good parent should be aware of the type of reading material their children are choosing. Does your child have a subscription to "2600" .. as if reading 2600 somehow makes you a malicious hacker???? Thats holding a huge prejustice against people.. isnt that what were trying to defend against? .. 2600 does not condone malicious acts.. they serve to inform people of the deepests workings of technology... if a kid reads this he is a malicious hacker?.. people who read that mag are in a search on knowledge.. that should be supported.. in antionlines deffinition of a hacker they state; "hacker n. - A person who enjoys exploring the details of programmable systems and how to stretch their capabilities" .. wouldnt reading 2600 help them explore all the details.. anyway.. what do you guys think?