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Thread: Short C++ tutorial ( very short )

  1. #1

    Post Short C++ tutorial ( very short )

    Ok this is a very short tutorials on C++, even though i'm only into Arrays right now, I feel I can share my knowledge a tad.

    Ok, We will learn how to use a "function" to output text to the monitor.
    It can also output

    intergers " int " ( -1, -2, -3, -- 1, 2, 3).

    float "float" (decimal numbers. 1.0, 2.0, 3.0)

    characters "char" ( a, b, c, d, e, f "you call this string too")
    Doubles " double " These are Floats but with more space.

    The stuff in the " " is how you word declare varibales.

    Ok, so you want to know how to declare a variable.
    varibale, basically a way of allocating memory.

    #include <iostream.h> //this is a comment
    // ^ don't worry about this yet.

    int main() // don't worry about this yet, just studying output.
    { // this tells the complier where the program begins.
    char a=A; // declaring the varibale and giveing it a value of A
    // always end a statement with a sei-colon ";"

    int b = 1; /*declaring the variable b and assigning 1 as it's variable*/

    /* This is another form of comments, C style. */

    float c = 3.5; // Declaring c and assigning the value of 3.5 to it.

    double d=3.1452698 /* declaring the variable d and assigning the value of 3.1452698 to it*/

    cout << a << endl; //outputs the value of a to the screen
    cout << b << endl; //outputs the value of b to the screen
    cout << c << endl; // output the value of c ot he screen
    cout << d << endl; //outputs the value of d to the screen

    return 0; // terminates the program
    } //closing brace

    Ok since that looks crowded i'll type the program out without comments. so it looks better

    #include <iostream.h>
    int main()
    char a =A;
    int b = 1;
    float c = 3.5;
    double d = 3.1452698;

    cout << a << endl;
    cout << b << endl;
    cout << c << endl;
    cout << d<< endl;

    return 0;

    You can have as many whitespaces as you want in C++ ( whitespaces = spaces )

    Anyone can add on tot his tutorial. If you want me to add on, reply to this. thanks alot.

  2. #2
    Senior Member
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    Just a little note is case a newbie does not know what // means.
    // has no affect on the program. A programmer makes a // and a statement following it. The statement is information on what the programmer is doing (or trying to do) It is like ummm.. a reminder. AN Example: "if a programmer looks at an old programm he wrote he can look at the // and see what he was doing.

    //just a note

  3. #3
    If anyone wants me to add on to this short tutorial reply or something be glad to.

  4. #4
    PHP/PostgreSQL guy
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    Good post dude...keep it up! People like yourself help educate those that don't know or need a bit of a push.
    We the willing, led by the unknowing, have been doing the impossible for the ungrateful. We have done so much with so little for so long that we are now qualified to do just about anything with almost nothing.

  5. #5

    Post C++ tutorial expansion.. Input

    Ok, since you should have a basic understanding of Outpu, and got bored with it by now. I will go over basic input.
    Bare with me here, I'm busying learning this language and TCP/IP ( and learning more about linux )..

    I gope you remember the comment "//" "/* .... */" . If not look back on them.

    #include <iostream.h> // don't worry about this yet.

    int main() // or this, lol
    { // opening brace

    int a; // our variable that we shall use

    cout << " Enter a number to be shown on the screen : \t";

    /* the "\t" means TAB, just like "\n" means new line */

    cin >> a; // this ask for input by you, to set the value of a

    /* notic the differenc between the cout "<<" and the cin ">>", << directs the message to output, and >> recieves the input by you. If i'm wrong onthis please correct me. But it isn't that important as long as you keep them right, and not mix them up */

    cout << a << endl; // outputs the value of a

    return 0;
    } // end of program

    remember to end all statements with a semi-colon " ; "

    Now I will write the code out with no comments.

    #include <iostream.h>

    int main()
    int a;
    cout << "Enter a number to be shown on the screen : \t";
    cin >> a;
    cout << a << endl;

    return 0;

    ok well maybe this will help you all. I must go back to my learning now. If you all would still like some more tutorials, reply.

    And remmeber, anyone can add on to this.


  6. #6
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Nov 2001

    Good post

    people who are just starting out on their learning journey really appreciate people like you.

  7. #7
    Thanks, feels.

    They can also go to
    if they feel the need to learn more, before I can write another tutorial. It is code heavily commented. If yall' want some links to e-books reply.

    Later, cheers.

  8. #8
    Senior Member
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    Originally posted by Mystic Ravenous
    Thanks, feels.

    They can also go to
    if they feel the need to learn more, before I can write another tutorial. It is code heavily commented. If yall' want some links to e-books reply.
    Later, cheers.
    hello mystic...this was really a good post...but u were talking something about some ebooks...if u have any e-books pls send it to me if u can. i will be very grateful to u as i really need them.

    i want some books on C++ and driver programming and stuff like that...
    can anybody help me...pls...

    pls mail me on

    thank u soo much..


  9. #9
    if anybody is intrested in c/c++ programming i'll suggest you visit

    It's a really good site for beginners as well as experts to clear their doubts.

  10. #10
    Search you'll get loads!

    for books

    Practical C++
    Sams C++ 21 days
    C++ Primer Plus
    C++ for dummies

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