This is the first time i have ever had so many probes in the one day.

I have had over 700 Probes all in a 15 minute time-span (I am using ZoneALARM -
Latest Versions). The VisualROUTE program is reporting 'KAZAA' as the source
of the attacks (And Port 1214 As the Target - Kazaa Port).

I am now getting around 1 probe a second, i have even
shutdown the Kazaa program and still these attacks come. I am sick of this. Is this normal? can anyone give me any advice on this ?

When i have KAZAA Running i dont get as many attacks (no TCP/IP probes - Just the 'odd' NETBios one, and quite a few ICMP Unreachable's). When i shut kazaa down i get tons of probes (i have over 500 in 10 mins). I dont know if this is spyware or just KAZAA, but why so many attacks when KAZAA is closed? Hopefully some has the answers!

Thanks in advance guys!
