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Thread: Antipoint earners

  1. #1
    PHP/PostgreSQL guy
    Join Date
    Dec 2001

    Antipoint earners

    Now that the 'top 10 antipoint earners' has been removed from the main page,
    would it be too much of a suggestion to have a main-page link just to show
    the same thing? Same as before, but just like the antipoints window where it pops
    up and shows the search results. It's not a big deal, but some people like to see
    who's on the list.
    We the willing, led by the unknowing, have been doing the impossible for the ungrateful. We have done so much with so little for so long that we are now qualified to do just about anything with almost nothing.

  2. #2
    Senior since the 3 dot era
    Join Date
    Nov 2001

    Re: tables

    Hey Vorlin,

    The prob here is that you have to balance good will against curiosity.

    Some ppl have made a 'sport' of it to kick some1 out of the top10. Or to get themselfs in it by giving negative points to the last listed... While this is very sad... it happens... I think this is the main reason why JP removed the feature.

    Like you (Vorlin) I'am also curious to see the list... but afterall it's not a competition in here. You have for instance 3 green dots, not so many ppl have 3 or more green dots, so almost everyone else will immediatly see that you have posted intellingt things.

  3. #3
    PHP/PostgreSQL guy
    Join Date
    Dec 2001

    My opinion on this

    Yeah, that's true, some people have ruined it for others (you know who you are, you fscknuts) which is a sad thing (pathetic losers) because others who do post good things are afraid to put something up because they too will be slammed and then have points posted negatively on their account by someone who does have some status (did I mention pathetic losers already?) based on some dumbass reason like "you talk too much, smartass" (something I got from some fsckin' moron who "forgot" to sign his/her/it's name) or something otherwise stupid (idiots).

    For this system to work, everyone has to join in. Post positive when you see good posts, post negative when something is misleading or hateful but use discretion. I posted negative to someone because of a very bad comment concerning the Sept 11th attacks but then looked around and found a good post from them and posted positive a day later. Why? Because I'm not an ass. And I'll continue doing so too, because people who post good deserve to have points assigned to them. For those of you who post negative all the time, once again, see my aforementioned posts stating that it must be a sad life you live where you have to constantly put someone down or feel that you're in some sort of 'power' position where you can just post negative and nobody would know if it were you.

    I'll invariably get negative points on this, but hey, nobody can ever come back and say I wasn't open and honest about something.

    Overall, the antipoints system is a good thing. It does add a bit of credibility to someone if they post good stuff or prove that they're full of shite if they don't. It just has to have the group effort to be successful. Hopefully, we'll all jump in. I know I have, and I'm fairly sure others have as well.
    We the willing, led by the unknowing, have been doing the impossible for the ungrateful. We have done so much with so little for so long that we are now qualified to do just about anything with almost nothing.

  4. #4
    Senior Member
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    Aug 2001
    I remember the whole reason for having anti-points was to seperate the good contributers to antionline, and the bad.

    So here is my suggestion, allow the people with a certain amount of positive anti-points to see the list. If you have lets say a hundred anti-points, then you have proven that you are a mature contributor to antionline, and are adult enough to see the list.

    Makes sense to me.
    An Ounce of Prevention is Worth a Pound of Cure...

  5. #5
    Senior since the 3 dot era
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    Indeed Jared_c your point makes sense. But you are still stick with the free rider problem, described by Vorlin: to make it a success everyone has to anticipate. Second remark: it are ppl with already a certain ammount of points that assign those negative points for nothing else than keeping ppl out of the list.
    still your suggestion is not bad...

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jul 2001
    Greetings All:

    The "Top AntiPoint Earner" list that I created was a bad idea. It led to nothing but problems, and it's not coming back.

    Thanks for the suggestions, though.

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