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Thread: Linux News

  1. #1

    Lightbulb Linux News

    Some of you were asking me on AO Irc about more information on the Linux and AOL story so I decided to post part of the article and a few links to other Linux articles and information. The full story can be viewed

    The Washington Post reported late Friday that AOL Time Warner -- parent company of CNN -- was in talks to buy Durham-based Red Hat, citing sources familiar with the situation.

    The deal could bolster AOL Time Warner's battle against rival Microsoft as both companies jockey to move their services beyond the personal computer to mobile devices and such nascent services as interactive television.

    "As a company policy, we don't respond to rumors," Red Hat spokeswoman Melissa London told The Associated Press in response to the report.

    More Articles
    Analysis: 10 Linux predictions for 2002
    Linux in 2002: More security, high-end computing
    IBM tries to rev up Linux


  2. #2
    Senior Member linuxcomando's Avatar
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    Well according to the whole aol and linux thing never happend.

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