Originally posted on Slashdot.org
flyhmstr writes "According to a report on ISPReview Cloud 9 have been forced off line and out of business thanks to the actions of crackers deciding to go play with some DoS tools." It's only getting worse. The kids are getting more and more aggressive as time goes on and it gets easier and easier to launch a large scale DoS. As any techie knows, fixing the problem is far easier said then done... but as a frequent recipient of the sharp end of the DoS stick, I sure wish it wasn't an issue.
I couldn't read the report on ISPReview myself, I guess it got slashdotted, but a copy of the report can be found in the threads at slashdot. The (British) ISP was attacked itself and was therefor unable to provide service to its customers... My first thought was that the IPS had been taken offline by some gouvernmental descission, but no, they were just dos'ed out of service...