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Thread: i know im not suppose to ask, but...

  1. #1
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Jan 2002

    i know im not suppose to ask, but...

    Um... is it possible to hack into the school's system? please be nice, i really want to know, not to change grades or anything, ive got srait a's no need to worry bout that, but possibly for other reasons.

  2. #2


    Everything is possible! I don't really know if these types of questions should be disscussed here, but since it 's about security, than it has to be appropriate. Can you be more specific, and tell about a OS that they are running. I myself is really anxious(for studing purposes-not to damage anything) to break into my university's net(which runs mainly on WinNT) And if anybody can help me with security on NT, I would be really greatful!

  3. #3


    Anything is possible...

  4. #4
    AO Curmudgeon rcgreen's Avatar
    Join Date
    Nov 2001

    Thumbs up

    Everything you need to know can be found
    in the books on the OS and the network
    software. People pay good money to take courses
    on networking and system administration.
    These are not "secrets", but do take time to learn.
    By the time you learn it, you'll probably be able to
    get a job running the system.
    But by then, you'll probably no longer be all that interested
    in hacking into the system, since you're already a
    trusted insider
    I came in to the world with nothing. I still have most of it.

  5. #5
    Senior Member
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    Jan 2002
    Forget the crap u see on TV man because its total crap 99% of the time. One of the biggest things i hate is movies i see on TV that call people hackers and do stuff like "drop a trojan into the FBI database and l33tly hax0rin it with my n370 b4ckd00r t00l k|t.

    Yes it is possible to "hack" anything. Even ur microwave

    As for changein grades and that sorta crap u say u dont wanna do but its plainly obvious thats the reason why ur askin even if u denie it... but if the teachers keep thier grades on a computer like most schools do well then all ud have to do is get the same access needed to add or edit grades and u can basicly do this. As for how to do this thats all based on the OS they are running and the type of software they use and in most cases the stupiduty of the people running it... Here at my school they basicly tell "trusted" students the passwords theyd need to know to basicly cause havoc on everything here , Grades, Attendance, Teacher and Student info.. and other such things..

    i use to work in the computer labs and we had the admin password for everyt computer in the school... right now i run the school website from within the school for them and i haev the passwords to that also. Its just basicly how the world works.. everyone needs to trust someone just like everyone needs to brag to someone.. find the right people, places, and tools and u can do anything u want..

    sorry if i got off topic for a little bit

    [shadow]i have a herd of 1337 sheep[/shadow]
    Worth should be judged on quality... Not apperance... Anyone can sell you **** inside a pretty box.. The only real gift then is the box..

  6. #6
    Senior since the 3 dot era
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    Nov 2001
    Originally posted by canada
    Everything is possible! I don't really know if these types of questions should be disscussed here, but since it 's about security, than it has to be appropriate. Can you be more specific, and tell about a OS that they are running. I myself is really anxious(for studing purposes-not to damage anything) to break into my university's net(which runs mainly on WinNT) And if anybody can help me with security on NT, I would be really greatful!
    Hey, be aware that 'break into my university's net' is illegal and not so easy... perhaps you can break in (sure some1 can) but you will leave almost certainly traces...

    Some years ago I 'played' with the admins at my university, I messed around with the e-mail system, I remote blue screened a server, I had access to things that were not public... no real big deals (I did these things to learn, never ever used it for something else) but I did got an e-mail from the main admin. He asked if some1 had hacked my internet account to do bad things with it... this e-mail showed detailed logs, like login information...
    It's just a remark... if you really want to do such things watch out... if they have logs they will probably look at them.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Dec 2001

    Post ...

    The main things you need to do before u can try to hack into your school are..... find out what OS there running(not to hard), find out what/if any firewall there running(Ctrl+Alt+Del might work to find somthing like 'gard dog' most the time Ctrl+Atl+Del wont work with a good firewall), get the ip(get in a DOS promp and run this command 'ipconfig'), i'm sure u can do it from there

    -Guerrilla Se7en

  8. #8
    Old-Fogey:Addicts founder Terr's Avatar
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    Seattle, WA
    Here's my take. It's always possible, UNDER THE CORRECT CONDITIONS.

    But as a simple answer, I would say NO. The school may use proprietary software to record grades, and will often check information against a hard-copy report. Trust me, teachers aren't quite as dumb as they may seem sometime, your Math teacher WILL notice if you get an overall A even though he marked you absent all the time.

    a) You probably can't, at least, not easily
    b) It will probably be noticed at some point
    c) They will probably be able to find out who did it
    d) It's not worth it.
    [HvC]Terr: L33T Technical Proficiency

  9. #9
    First of all. I was thinkin' 'bout a LAN in a university- in our computer classes. Second of all, you people from "civilized" in computer security sense countries are so afraid of breakin' the law while here in Russia we still gave a poor jurisdictional base on computer crimes, the worst that I can get into is being banned from using computers in university, which is by itself very bad, 'cause labs should be done!!! Although this doesn't mean we don't have services that deal with computer crimes, only their work is less efficient cause of law-lacking.

  10. #10
    Senior Member
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    Sep 2001
    i agree with terr....if u listen to me just stay away from it...

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