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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2001

    Thumbs up

    Alright, what's the deal with this guy???

    I heard he is on prison in Hong Kong, so that's why he couldn't commit suicide. He said he has a net worth of $500 million, but others say he has $100 million, I doubt he even has 100 bucks.

    They caught him in the Presidential Suite in the Hayat of Bangkok, so, he might have some money. The pictures look kind of real.

    Who takes care of his site now???

    My info might be all wrong or partially right, but I would like to know what u know about him. Not that I really care, but he makes me laugh with his stupid stuff!!, lol
    Todo lo que no me mata me hace mas fuerte...

  2. #2
    Senior Member
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    This guy is an ego maniac, a scam artist, and a media whore.

    First he launches YIHAT, a group to fight terrorism. Then the web site gets hacked by Fluffi Bunny. Then members of Kimble's own group realize he is a fraud and turn against him. He has been being investigated for fraud by Germany for 2 years. Kimble then finds out he is going to be arrested real soon, so he says he is going to commit suicide live on the internet. A day before his scheduled suicide he is arrested. See the below links.

    So basically, any money he had he scammed. Spent it all on a bunch of luxurys and put himself in major debt. And is now worth absolutely nothing. The only person he will be worth anything to soon is a large inmate named Bubba.,1284,49880,00.html
    An Ounce of Prevention is Worth a Pound of Cure...

  3. #3
    Originally posted by jared_c
    This guy is an ego maniac, a scam artist, and a media whore.

    First he launches YIHAT, a group to fight terrorism. Then the web site gets hacked by Fluffi Bunny. Then members of Kimble's own group realize he is a fraud and turn against him. He has been being investigated for fraud by Germany for 2 years. Kimble then finds out he is going to be arrested real soon, so he says he is going to commit suicide live on the internet. A day before his scheduled suicide he is arrested. See the below links.

    So basically, any money he had he scammed. Spent it all on a bunch of luxurys and put himself in major debt. And is now worth absolutely nothing. The only person he will be worth anything to soon is a large inmate named Bubba.,1284,49880,00.html

    This will be his pose for "Bubba" *snicker*

  4. #4


    Yep KIM is a dumb ass I meet his fat ass at the gumball car race.... I wanted to kick his ass and take his money.... But like you sayed he has nothing left hehehe...

    Keepen it real

  5. #5
    Kimble never had any money nor skills. We are talking bout a man who claims HE invented the blue box.
    the guys at have a very funny Kimble parody

  6. #6
    Old-Fogey:Addicts founder Terr's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    Seattle, WA


    Originally posted by Oso
    Alright, what's the deal with this guy???

    I heard he is on prison in Hong Kong, so that's why he couldn't commit suicide. He said he has a net worth of $500 million, but others say he has $100 million, I doubt he even has 100 bucks.

    They caught him in the Presidential Suite in the Hayat of Bangkok
    Uhm... Why would he be in Hong Kong? Last I heard they (Thailand) were going to see about extraditing him to Germany... I don't want him in Hong Kong! He'll stink it up worse than the stinky tofu seller near the Chai Wan MTR station!
    [HvC]Terr: L33T Technical Proficiency

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