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Thread: Opinions and AO points

  1. #1
    Senior since the 3 dot era
    Join Date
    Nov 2001

    Opinions and AO points

    This thread is started cause of personal experience.

    I was thinking about the connection AO points and opinions.

    If you do not like some1's opinion you can give negative AO points to that 1, but this will affect the behaviour of that person. For instance, if you recieve negative points for a post you can decide to change your opinion or not post again your opinion or continue posting and recieving negative points.

    The point I want to make is that not only the discussion itself but also the AO points are influencing the 'agents' who are discussing.

    Let's put this IRL: if you were talking with some1 and everytime she/he disagreed, you got a kick, you probably will change your opinion.
    The same goes for exams, when you talk to a professor she/he can give you the points/grades she/he wants so if she/he does not like you or your opinions...

    There is also an analogue asymmetry at AO, cause not everyone has the same power, the amount of points differ... this means that some1 with a low status could be 'blocked' to give her/his opinion cause of fear to get negative points.

    This asymmetry changes a bit when there is comment and a name with the points, so you can see why people have problems with your opinion, that would be more descent than behave like a coward and put no comment or name at all.

    Just some thought/remark

  2. #2
    It is truly a step back towards the dark ages when people are victimised for their beliefs and opinions...

  3. #3
    I posted a thread about this earlier Vic.

    Terr and Negative have pointed out the flaws in it but I think this idea will protect our Jr. members. What is your opinion?(I won't hit you with red if you Negative thought of this for his forum also

  4. #4
    Yes very observational of you. opinons I think is what a forum board is all about. Listening and viewing other peoples views on a random topic. As you can see My Anti-points isn't more then 2 blocks, the reason why is that I express my own opinion which many don't agree with but I still do it. To me it doesn't mean anything because when I know when I can help someone with there problem it won't matter by the amount of anti points I have. It seems from what I've noticed that Antipoints is a crock of shiznit just because people have abused it. Everyone is already aware of how it works, so I'm not going to repeat it.

  5. #5
    Senior since the 3 dot era
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    Nov 2001

    Re: Antihaxor

    Antihaxor has posted a thread about the practical issue of this question:

    Here it is more about the connection between the two: opinions ~ points
    A discussion about the asymmetry of power and the effects caused by that asymmetry

    However I apologize to Antihaxor to 'steal' his thread.

  6. #6

    Re: Re: Antihaxor

    Originally posted by VictorKaum
    Antihaxor has posted a thread about the practical issue of this question:

    Here it is more about the connection between the two: opinions ~ points
    A discussion about the asymmetry of power and the effects caused by that asymmetry

    However I apologize to Antihaxor to 'steal' his thread.


    Believe me when I say no apology is needed. My ego is far from bruised
    I just wish you would have posted that "AO affects IRL" thread to a forum I can don't have 250 posts)
    Can you PM me your starting post in that thread?

  7. #7
    Senior since the 3 dot era
    Join Date
    Nov 2001

    Re: Antihaxor


    btw: I don't get the one who gave me negative points for the first post in this thread?
    especially cause she/he/it talks Dutch to.
    nog een plezante dag verder
    Aan diegene die mij in het Nederlands antipunten geeft: wel, een beetje ironie kan nooit kwaad. Als dat je bedoeling was dan ben je een klasse humorist. :)
    To all not Dutch speaking people sorry for the above comments in a language you don't understand.

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