January 31st, 2002, 01:06 AM
Quiz: Are you an Internet LOSER?
Are YOU An Internet L-O-S-E-R?
As today's technology grows and grows the world is coming to live on the internet. At one time "Internet Geeks" had to hide in the shadows of the shopping malls to avoid jocks who would crush their horn rim glasses, tear up their pocket protectors, and give them killer wedgies. Now these jocks are eating crow and asking these once teased geeks for internet lessons in hopes that they too can figure out how to get their AOL internet mail. These Internet Geeks are now taking over the world with an army led by Bill Gates. They are now the World Wide Web Kings of the Internet!! Are you a jock or a geek? Take this simple test to find out if your a cyber loser & post your score!
#1. Do you take 20 minutes to download a two minute video clip when it's faster to rent the video from your local Blockbuster Video store that is just around the corner?
(If you answered yes give yourself 5 points, if you answered no, give yourself 1 point)
#2. Do you spend three hours in a chat room convincing others that you are Brad Pitt or even Pamela Anderson Lee when in reality you are more like Drew Carrey or Roseanne at home alone again on a Saturday night?
(If you answered no, give yourself 1 point, if you answered yes, give yourself 5 points.)
#3. When an internet friend asks you to send a picture of yourself, do you send a .gif off of http://www.sexy.com?
(If you answered yes, give yourself 5 points, if you answered no give yourself 1 point.)
#4. Have you reduced yourself to e-mailing your neighbor and wondering how you can still get that cup of sugar?
(If you answered no, give yourself 1 point, if you answered yes give yourself 5 points.)
#5. Does your sex life consist of spending countless hours searching for nude shots of Jennifer Lopez or Ricky Martin on the internet at http://www.horny.com?
(If you answered yes give yourself 5 points, if you answered no give yourself 1 point.)
#6. Do you have more then six e-mail accounts in order to make yourself feel important and very very special?
(If you answered no give yourself 1 point, if you anwered yes give yourself 5 points.)
#7. Do you use WebTV on a big screen TV in order to feed your ego with that nude picture of yourself you posted?
(If you answered yes give yourself 5 points, if you answered no give yourself 1 point.)
#8. Do you measure your sexual power by downloading a computer game in order to acheive mega level 10?
(If you answered no give yourself 1 point, if you answered yes give yourself 5 points.)
#9. Do you keep switching ISP's in order to get the free one month trial periods and avoid all internet fees?
(If you answered yes give yourself 5 points, if you answered no give yourself 1 point.)
#10. Do you post in news groups in order to get spammed because you realize it is the only e-mail you'll ever get?
(If you answered no give yourself 1 point, if you answered yes give yourself 5 points.)
#11. Do you download television listings off of the internet with a 14.4 modem only to realize that your very favorite television show actually ended only fifteen minutes ago?
(If you answered yes give yourself 5 points, if you answered no give yourself 1 point.)
#12. Do you waste precious internet time taking useless nosey online quizes like the one your reading?
(If you answered no give yourself 1 point, if you answered yes give yourself 5 points.)
If you scored 1 to 30, Congratulations, you are a jock! You don't live on the internet but you do have a problem with steroids! You also drink old beer & fart! Get a job as an auto mechanic because in the world of romance the extra lubricants can't hurt!
If you scored 30 to 60, you are an internet geek and this is probably the only kind of scoring you've had in a long time. In the words of the immortal Beavis and Butthead, "You will never get some!", however you can make a nifty looking web page! You may wear a pocket protecter and speak in computer terms refering to moving your bowels as "downloading"! Even though you may well rule the entire world and have all of the brains you still can't change the TV channel without the damn remote control.
Keepen it real
January 31st, 2002, 01:29 AM
January 31st, 2002, 01:35 AM
I try my best...
Keepen it real
January 31st, 2002, 01:55 AM
Funny post! Although, FreeAgent, it's a good idea to post THE SOURCE when you cut and paste things like this. I think KorpDeath already pointed this out earlier?
Anyway, good post...Just remember the source.
January 31st, 2002, 02:21 AM
Like I sayed on the other thread I get this stuff in the email from people I know. I have no idea where they get this stuff from. Most of it is chain mail. Any ways if it's a good quiz and I think you will get a laugh or two out of it then I will post it.... Please dont think that im taking people stuff and caling it mine. I will tell you right off the bat I dont make quiz or test type jokes. I just dont have the time or skill to put one together...
Keepen it real
January 31st, 2002, 06:40 AM
"army led by Bill Gates"
ahahah ya right.........................funny..
January 31st, 2002, 07:34 AM
January 31st, 2002, 07:39 AM
January 31st, 2002, 10:27 AM
assembly.... digital dna ?
January 31st, 2002, 05:09 PM
Nice post!
I got 75 point in total....... huh?
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