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Thread: Linux for Newbies

  1. #1
    Senior Member
    Join Date
    Jan 2002

    Post Linux for Newbies

    I'm fairly new to Antionline. I try to respond in a helpfull manner to newbies to the infosec, networking, and user scene. I try to answear the questions as best I can and at leat give them a source if possible to go to for more info. I have worked with computers since the days of the Tandy. So I have made screw ups and bummbles all along the way. I still make misstakes. So I like to relate so maybe someone new won't make the same goofs that I have. So to the point. Here is a very helpfull site for the newbies that want to know more about Linux. It is very helpful. I keep it bookmarked myself for reference. As I forget a command line or a switch here and there. So this is the place to dig. Not a bunch of fancy gimics or graphics to deal with. It's a very straight forward site. I hope it helps the newbies to Linux.

    The site:

    Direct link to the Linux faq:

    Just attempting to do my part and help.

    Everyone, have a great day and/or night.

    TUX lives............................
    The COOKIE TUX lives!!!!
    Windows NT crashed,I am the Blue Screen of Death.
    No one hears your screams.

  2. #2
    Senior Member
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    Personally, I like these sorts of posts, ones which other memebrs have found usefull and informative!

    Any other Linux web site addresses will be gratefully appreciated!

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    this is actually a very good site! a bookmark for me and a greenie for you. thanx

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