February 6th, 2002, 08:32 AM
First apple system
Im here at my house with bunch of lamers. Now help me out with thisquestion. Did the first apple system came out in 1984? I say yes it did come out in 1984 but my lamer buddies over here put there money on 1983. We have 50 bucks going on this so help us out if you can...

February 6th, 2002, 08:45 AM
i would tell you, but i don't know so heres my best answer
February 6th, 2002, 09:19 PM
You can all keep you money:
In 1976, while working on a video teletype terminal for a friend's computer company, Wozniak began to combine that design with an earlier design for a computer, replacing the panels of blinking lights which has served as a display with a video screen. He then tried to market his design to Hewlett-Packard, but they saw no future in the idea of a personal computer and turned him down. Steve Jobs then convinced him that the two of them (Wozniak and Jobs) could start their own business to make this computer. Jobs called the computer an Apple, recalling his days of seeking enlightenment in the orchards of a Hare Krishna commune.2
In August of 1976 Wozniak saw a demonstration of a crude color display called the Dazzler and became obsessed with incorporating a color display into the Apple. At the same time, he wanted to simplify the memory architecture of the computer. This led to an innovation in which he made the processor share the memory with the raster (video) display. Wozniak realized that a cathode ray tube (CRT) monitor spent a good fraction of its time whipping the electron gun back to start the next line. The processor would be allowed to use the memory during this time, while the monitor got the memory the rest of the time.3
The original Apple computer was made at Jobs' parents' home (where Jobs was living at the time), and sold as a partially assembled kit for computer hobbyists. Software was loaded from cassette tape. When the original interface for loading BASIC (a programming language) failed to work, Wozniak built his own. They also settled on the slogan of "Byte into Apple" for selling their computer. However, they quickly ran into trouble. Hobbyists were more interested in the Altair and other early kit computers, while the computer's $666.66 price drew fire from Fundamentalist Christians alarmed that this was the machine of the Beast. Jobs found a suitably mystical pat answer for the second, but the first problem proved more difficult to solve.4
In 1976, Jobs decided it was time to expand Apple's horizons, and sought contacts with venture capitalists. After an initial rebuff, he made the connection with Armas Clifford Markkula, who agreed to underwrite a bank loan of $250,000 to start a company that would build the Apple II. Thus was born Apple Computer, Inc. Formal papers were filed on January 3, 1977, and within three months it bought out the former partnership of Jobs and Wozniak which had built the original Apple.5
The newly formed company then moved out of Jobs's garage to new quarters in Cupertino. Now came the challenge of making the company work. Somehow they had to create a market for personal computers beyond the small core of hobbyists who had previously been buying kit computers. They ultimately settled upon a strategy of starting with the hobbyist market and then expanding from that base to pull in professionals with small operations. For this they emphasized the Apple's ability to automate various processes such as controlling appliances.6
Jobs pioneered the Apple II's attractive plastic case, believing that an ugly computer would turn away the very group of people they were looking to attract. He absolutely wanted to avoid the rough home-brew look of many hobbyist computers, and tried several designers before he could get one to create the look he wanted.7
In 1978 Apple introduced the enhanced Apple II (the Apple II+), which was the first personal computer to have a floppy disk drive. Previously size had restricted disk drives to mainframes, while users of personal computers had to make do with cassette tapes, which were slow and frequently tangled or broke.8
Bukhari:V3B48N826 “The Prophet said, ‘Isn’t the witness of a woman equal to half of that of a man?’ The women said, ‘Yes.’ He said, ‘This is because of the deficiency of a woman’s mind.’”
February 7th, 2002, 01:30 AM
Thanks for clearing that up for us. I guess we will have to start up a new bet.

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