February 13th, 2002, 12:16 AM
Junior Member
Writing a Vriuses. Download this! Visual Basic
Down load the attached file (V-Tool) Written for viruses in Visual Basic
February 13th, 2002, 12:17 AM
February 13th, 2002, 12:18 AM
February 13th, 2002, 12:27 AM
dogbone, since this is your first post/thread, I'll cut you some slack....Ok cut that, I won't. Look at the logo of AntiOnline...see it, now, underneath the purple "AntiOnline" read what it says. You probably over or misread what it states. This place is for security, and the prevention of harmful acts such as the one you have just asked us to do. As you will soon find out, the members here at AntiOnline will not tolerate such pityful acts of ignorant violence. You must learn to think, think fast, and think properly - and for everybodies benefit.
If you had posted how to 'stop' such pathetically dreded acts, then that might have saved you from the many flames you will aquire here at AO (AntiOnline). Trying to act 'cool' or 'tough' or even 'elite (also known as 1337, 31337, leet,...etc. etc.)' by posting this rubbish will not propel you forward in this community. Be fare warned... do it again, and major consequences will occur.
[P.S. - WHY VB?!?!?!?!, Why not a reasonably 'good' language like Assembly, C++, or Perl? To become a Visual Basic guru does not include downloading virii-makers like these. Not to mention it might not even be that...how do we know it's not a virus that some guy put in there eh? Sucks to be you if you opened it and it was...]
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