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Thread: CBA Hacked!

  1. #1
    Senior Member
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    CBA Hacked!,00.html

    NetBank has been hacked. This article is from todays's Australian. This is a bit of a worry because heaps of people (including myself) use this service. I'm not majorly concerned though because I don't have much money with this bank. What do you poeple think?
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  2. #2
    Senior Member
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    The link is dead. But if this is true, it is a bit scary. Not scary because hackers are targeting banks, but scary because the banks can't secure their servers enough!

    BTW, is it just me or has there been a sudden invasion of people from Australia on these boards? just wondering...
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  3. #3
    Fastest Thing Alive s0nIc's Avatar
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    In May, CBA's head of cards and financial products, Nick Kennett, denied a report in The Australian that hackers had broken into the bank's system and taken card details.

    "No one has hacked into the cards system. The cards system has not been compromised and card-holders' details have not been compromised," Mr Kennett said at the time.
    Ofcourse they wont admit it, banks would never want to admit ANY mistake in the fear of loosing customers but it was indeed reported that they DID hire some computer security specialist, but that could be just some safety procedure and doesnt mean that much.

  4. #4
    Senior Member
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    I agree that it is pretty damn scary that Banks are successfully being breached. I am starting to think (from personal experience) due to budget cuts etc that security is beginning to be placed on the backburner in large companies. What do people think?


    By the way, I too have noticed that more Aussie members are contributing to this absolutely fantastic web site.

    Must be because of that story the other day on 60 Minutes uncovering hacking (what a joke!).

    [glowpurple]There were so many fewer questions when the stars where still just the holes to heaven - JJ[/glowpurple] [gloworange]I sure could use a vacation from this bull$hit, three ringed circus side show of freaks. - Tool. [/gloworange]

  5. #5
    Senior Member
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    Originially Posted by s0n1c
    Ofcourse they wont admit it, banks would never want to admit ANY mistake in the fear of loosing customers but it was indeed reported that they DID hire some computer security specialist, but that could be just some safety procedure and doesnt mean that much.

    Hmmmm...i have quite an old list of texts explaining step-by-step instructions on how to hack CBI..., just thought I'd let you know, that it HAS been done before, and s0n1c is right...the banks will not admit it in fear of losing lots, if not all of it's customers.
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  6. #6
    Junior Member
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    Banks have been hacked into successfully over the past years a lot.

    Its very uncommon though that public gets hold of this. Occationally banks either pay big money to them hackers so they dont tell that they successfully hacked there ... or the hackers make funny transactions. Either they wirse money to their own account and keep it, or even "better" they wirte themselves a big ammount and go tell the bank playing innocent.
    "finders revard" usually makes 10%. Now imagine you wired 10 mio. to your account. what does that make ?
    exactly, one rich hacker

    anyway, not long ago, in germany a group of hackers (students of informatics) hacked successfully into the german banks systems and manipulated accounts successfully. The so called 100% secure system of electronical banking trurned out to be vulnerable. Only good thing was: the hacks have been done under surveillence of the public TV stations. so all demage was taken back. (from the customers)
    what remains is the knowledge, that there is no security, esp not igf someone claims 100% security... be aware suchj a thing exiists not. who claims 100%, makes you wanna run from them


  7. #7
    Junior Member
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    who did it?

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