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Thread: Anyone know of an exe SPLITTER?

  1. #1
    Senior Member
    Join Date
    Jan 2002

    Question Anyone know of an exe SPLITTER?

    ... so that I can pull out infected segments from .exe files? I'm currently looking to develop my scripts (moved back to spring break / summer time now) to pick up and alert on codered/codeblue on Linux.

    I'm ideally wanting to split out the code for the red/blue worm and use it against my own Linux box so that I can see about alerting my Linux box that there's a definite problem.

    Any ideas?


  2. #2
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    Havent looked at it but maybe this works for your purpose.

  3. #3
    AO Decepticon CXGJarrod's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    Originally posted here by ]jk[
    Havent looked at it but maybe this works for your purpose.
    Please dont respond to old posts. (AKA the blinking ones) That guy is probably not even visiting this website anymore.
    N00b> STFU i r teh 1337 (english: You must be mistaken, good sir or madam. I believe myself to be quite a good player. On an unrelated matter, I also apparently enjoy math.)

  4. #4
    Ninja Code Monkey
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    Washington State
    If the response is valid and answers an unanswered question, why not respond? It's given me something to look into at the very least....
    "When I get a little money I buy books; and if any is left I buy food and clothes." - Erasmus
    "There is no programming language, no matter how structured, that will prevent programmers from writing bad programs." - L. Flon
    "Mischief my ass, you are an unethical moron." - chsh
    Blog of X

  5. #5
    Yeah this is kind of somewhat harder then just "dont reply"....since the guy didn't get an answer, it would be good to reply for future peaople who might be searching for this on AO. Thats why i gave him positive AP's(after being negged) and saying the same thing im saying in this post.
    O.G at A.O

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    Originally posted here by CXGJarrod
    Please dont respond to old posts. (AKA the blinking ones) That guy is probably not even visiting this website anymore.
    Please don't try to control and shape the flow of information. The link provided just so happened to be exactly what I was looking for.
    Blankety Blank Blank Blank!

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