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Thread: Anybody hear for SennaSpy?

  1. #1

    Angry Anybody hear for SennaSpy?

    It is some kind of trojan horse, is anybody have some experience with that ?

  2. #2
    How about a link to the source?

    Three variations of the worm are listed at trendmicro. Looks easy to remove though.

    Go here and run an online scan if you think you're infected.

    One way to tell if you're infected is to telnet to your own system on port 11000.

    o 11000

    Hope this answered your question.


  3. #3
    I am a cracker
    Yes it is a trojan! Trojans are lame check that site out!

  4. #4
    Yes TechieChik, but thats the point !!!, I am talking probably about SennaSpy Trojan Generator 3.01 beceause it is activate through ICQ(i found it at tlsecurity and they said that version 3.01 have activated through NetDetect), I cant download trojan beceause link is down, and I cant find that trojan on the net(version 3.01), and antivirus cant recognize them(Northon last updated, and PC-cilin), I know how I get it and from who, and I saw through firewall that IP is trying to connect to my comp everytime at the different port, and when I permit connection IP are connected( I see that through netstat at my firewall). Any suggestions?

  5. #5
    Leftie Linux Lover the_JinX's Avatar
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    Beverwijk Netherlands
    trojans suck...

    trojans are one of the lamest way to get into lame pc's ran by lame opperaters...
    ASCII stupid question, get a stupid ANSI.
    When in Russia, pet a PETSCII.

    Get your ass over to SLAYRadio the best station for C64 Remixes !

  6. #6
    Go here , this company talked about 3.01 and they have a trial version of their removal tool. Might be your best option since the manual removal directions didn't do the job.

    Sorry I didn't respond to this sooner, somehow I didn't see that you had come back with further questions.

  7. #7
    We will try, or format C: is second solution.

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