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Thread: Online proposal.

  1. #1
    Senior Member
    Join Date
    Oct 2001

    Online proposal.

    Geek love is in the air

    By James Middleton [14-02-2002]

    In what can only be described as a blisteringly romantic, yet unbelievably geeky, gesture, one of the editors of nerd news website Slashdot has proposed to his fiancée online.

    Currently, the top story on Slashdot reads: "Kathleen Fent read this story".

    Below, a "sweaty palmed" CmdrTaco writes: "I wanted to do this in this most potentially embarrassing way possible, and I figured doing it here and now, in front of a quarter of a million strangers, was as good a way as any," before popping the question.

    The geek charm must have worked, because Taco received an email 15 minutes and 30 seconds later with the subject line "Yes" and the message "Dork. You made me cry. "

    This article is from

    And in other news: The Warhol Porn Worm. Read about it at
    Why am I still here?

  2. #2
    Cute, a proposal only a geek could appreciate.

    Good article on the virus/exploit, thank you. M$ waited a month to release this patch, you just KNOW they're sitting on a pandora's box. Being an optimist at heart I really hope they get a wake up call with this next round in court but my gut instinct says it's going to be status quo. It seems anymore these days problems are fixed when money is thrown about and that is what M$ does best even though it's aimed in the wrong direction.

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