February 15th, 2002, 09:31 PM
Kiddie Virii toolkits.
I recieved this in my email today. For you security guys and gals, it has some of the virii package makers that some of the KiDDiEs are deploying to make this crap. It may be fun to rip them appart and see what they're up too.
This kind of material just makes it easier for them to make this stuff. What ever happened to the days of program your own? Go figure.
The COOKIE TUX lives!!!!
Windows NT crashed,I am the Blue Screen of Death.
No one hears your screams.

February 15th, 2002, 09:37 PM
That went the way of the DoDo. No learning anything these days, now all you have are fruit snack eating, game boy playing, mischevious lil' buggers, that use pre-packaged products to try and be "rebellious". When all they need is good a$$-whoopin' to set them straight. If they don't have the info spoon-fed to them they would be totally lost.
BTW- The Cookie Tux rules!!
Mankind have a great aversion to intellectual labor; but even supposing knowledge to be easily attainable, more people would be content to be ignorant than would take even a little trouble to acquire it.
- Samuel Johnson
February 15th, 2002, 09:40 PM
I recieved this in my email today. For you security guys and gals, it has some of the virii package makers that some of the KiDDiEs are deploying to make this crap. It may be fun to rip them appart and see what they're up too.
This kind of material just makes it easier for them to make this stuff. What ever happened to the days of program your own? Go figure.
So true man. I dunno...hehe...I remember when I made a virus with DOS! Now they have VB compiled programs scripting and compiling virii FOR THEM. And the really bad part about it is that these "1337 ub3r-h4x0r scr1p7 k1dd13s" think there big macho hackers now that they can point and click!!!
*Sigh* ....I honestly CAN wait for the future. I'm not joking...if more stupid asses are going to make programs to literally do the hacking (if you call compiling by download->point->click "hacking") for you, then whats the point? I swear...the internet won't be fun anymore...and all of us "real-timers" (that sounded weird), will have to shift to a higher (or lower ) degree of hacking...just to keep up!
...This Space For Rent.
February 16th, 2002, 03:58 AM
So true....
the top down look is so cool..
U can look down on it and learn....
or u can just learn...
no matter, u just learn....
and that's the whole thing...
u learn
ASCII stupid question, get a stupid ANSI.
When in Russia, pet a PETSCII.
Get your ass over to SLAYRadio the best station for C64 Remixes !
February 16th, 2002, 06:02 AM
Fortunatly the only damage these kiddies will do is either to themseleves or god forbis someone less intalligent/educated than them. I wouldn't worry to much about programs such as these. They are good to learn from.
Those who are awake all live in the same world.
Those who are asleep live in their own worlds. -Heraclitus
All Your Base!
February 22nd, 2002, 03:52 PM
I'm going to have to disagree with tekfrost, only on an experience level. . .
Though most Kiddies cannot launch any sort of organized or complex attack, they can certainly launch brute force DoS attacks. . .and though they are usually overlooked, enough data flooding into any system will bring it down. . .I referr you to amazon.com, GRC.com, and a host of other sites.
Though these kiddies are mostly only a danger to themselves, remember:
good day.
February 22nd, 2002, 04:01 PM
BTW, any suggestions for a *good* network virus scanner? I've heard mixed things about windows-based solutions (norton, mcafee...) but I was looking for a linux solution that could reach out and scan remote computers (across ethernet).
Any suggestions?
February 22nd, 2002, 04:14 PM
There are some really mixed wievs on this, On one habd, you can learn alot from them, on the other, you can do alot of dammage.....
At least it isn't a worm generator, coz then it wouldn't be isolated insidents, it would be all over the place......
I think that these generators should be reported to AV ppl, then they can make a GENERAL vacsine.... hence no more trouble for the smart people, and the few that don't protect them self, well, maby they had it comming..... Id rather hava stupid Virii from a script kiddi instead of some of the Hardhitters that are out there...
With all the subtlety of an artillery barrage / Follow blindly, for the true path is sketchy at best. .: Bring OS X to x86!:.
Og ingen kan minnast dei linne drag i dronningas andlet den fagre dag Då landet her kvilte i heilag fred og alle hadde kjærleik å elske med.
February 22nd, 2002, 04:29 PM
Senior Member
I duno Noia.....
I learned alot when I was making Viruses. However, I was programming them. Through these k1ddi3 toolkits, you don't learn anything except destructiveness. It's like hacking, you get some idiot playing around with sub7 and scripts they found off the web...and never learn to do it for themselves. When you learn to really hack, and really program viruses...you gain a certain respect for them. That respect is what drives me to always be ethical......these toolkits are the equivalent to giving a baby a torch to play with, they'll burn both themselves, and others
SlackWare my first, Debian my second....building my box into the ultimate weapon
February 26th, 2002, 11:46 AM
Whats up everyone. Another hacker neophyte here. Ya, the reality of it is, anyone can point and click and go on his/her own personal ego trip without knowing a damn thing about virii infrastructure. I myself am learning how to program and tear them down..see what makes em' tick. Thats what it's all about ya know. I have a certain amount of respect for all the "real" hackers here at AO, even though my opinions on political/social issues may differ greatly. Haraam77.......
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