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Thread: help to u

  1. #1

    help to u

    hii guys
    here what u many of u nedded ..i can write programs for u free of i want to pratice ..just write me if u want but only in c++ or vc++ and no unix or abut hacking or

  2. #2
    Senior Member
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    Jan 2002
    god the # of lamers increase everyday..

    This isnt a spam fourm for idiots to make money with skills they probly dont possese so if u could newbie please stay off this site and never return cause ur not the type of person that is gonna learn anything good here

    now say bye!

    [shadow]i have a herd of 1337 sheep[/shadow]
    Worth should be judged on quality... Not apperance... Anyone can sell you **** inside a pretty box.. The only real gift then is the box..

  3. #3
    Senior Member
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    Re: help to u

    Originally posted here by lovable
    ..i can write programs for u free of cost..
    As far as I can tell NetSyn, he/she is offering to write them for free.. as practice work..... so he/she is hardly 'spamming' us with their attempts to make money...
    \"Isn\'t sanity just a one trick pony anyway? I mean, all you get is one trick. Rational Thinking.
    But when you\'re good and crazy, hehe, the skies the limit!!\"

  4. #4
    Priapistic Monk KorpDeath's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    Yeah. You need not be so harsh.. Let them write if they want....

    BTW- I hought you'd be passed out cold by now Matty_Cross......?????No wild turkey for you?
    Mankind have a great aversion to intellectual labor; but even supposing knowledge to be easily attainable, more people would be content to be ignorant than would take even a little trouble to acquire it.
    - Samuel Johnson

  5. #5
    Senior Member
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    Sep 2001
    Nah, I'm not one for passing out... maybe dozing off every now and then...
    I decided to save the Wild Turkey, coz its just too good to waste when I had so much other good drinks available to drink... and drink them I did.....
    \"Isn\'t sanity just a one trick pony anyway? I mean, all you get is one trick. Rational Thinking.
    But when you\'re good and crazy, hehe, the skies the limit!!\"

  6. #6
    Its quite a nice offer - hmmmm now what do i need programmed ???

  7. #7
    Senior Member
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    heh ya free programs he wants 2 write for u for no cost just to practice.. that sounds so legit..
    as far as i can see this is a lame scam of a sort.. probly on the lines of saying sumthin like

    "well i know i said it was free but this will take so long ill need money"

    or sumthin on the lines of

    "here have this program u asked me to write and dont worry ur virus scanner wont say its a virus because i just wrote the backdoor i put in it so ur AVP wont pick it up and ill steal ur passwords "

    just a warning to anyone who might trust thier person..

    [shadow]i have a herd of 1337 sheep[/shadow]
    Worth should be judged on quality... Not apperance... Anyone can sell you **** inside a pretty box.. The only real gift then is the box..

  8. #8
    Senior Member
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    Nov 2001
    trust me guys - Today 09:48 AM
    help to u - Yesterday 10:43 PM
    destructive thing for ur enemy - Yesterday 03:31 AM
    help willl be coooool - 02-13-2002 05:09 AM

    This lovable person has asked for passwords for programs in public places, is offering things for free, offers to destroy your enemies and says we can trust him. this guy is either working for a software company, is a fed or just a outright lunatic.

    i say we hunt him down. :-)
    Bukhari:V3B48N826 “The Prophet said, ‘Isn’t the witness of a woman equal to half of that of a man?’ The women said, ‘Yes.’ He said, ‘This is because of the deficiency of a woman’s mind.’”

  9. #9
    Senior Member
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    heh funny thats what ive been saying all along and ive been getting nothing but negative replys and points for it

    maybe ull trust me nexttime before u trust a newbie idiot

    [shadow]i have a herd of 1337 sheep[/shadow]
    Worth should be judged on quality... Not apperance... Anyone can sell you **** inside a pretty box.. The only real gift then is the box..

  10. #10
    Senior Member
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    "maybe ull trust me nexttime before u trust a newbie idiot "

    seems a little contradictory to me

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