February 16th, 2002, 06:38 AM
Would my site help a newbie???
Do you think this is a good web site for people that want to learn more about games/hacking/computers/music and more?
What do you think of my site??
I made it a year ago and it was my first web page so don’t be to critical lol...
February 16th, 2002, 06:44 AM
Eh! If there is one thing that the web has enough of, it's "How to become a hacker" crap. I'm working really hard not tobe critical but.......I'll go to another thread.
Mankind have a great aversion to intellectual labor; but even supposing knowledge to be easily attainable, more people would be content to be ignorant than would take even a little trouble to acquire it.
- Samuel Johnson
February 16th, 2002, 07:07 AM
You did not answer the question??? Yes with a reason or No with a reason??
Ya ok there are a lot of (how to) sites on the web but if they came across "my" (how to) site do you think it would be useful to newbies???
February 16th, 2002, 07:14 AM
I answered as nicely as I know how. (That, in itself, is asking allot.) I doubt a newbie would use your site as reference. I doubt it'd be useful. It's a nice site but, wouldn't it be cool if you did something DIFFERENT?
I don't mean to sound too harsh, but it's my nature.
Mankind have a great aversion to intellectual labor; but even supposing knowledge to be easily attainable, more people would be content to be ignorant than would take even a little trouble to acquire it.
- Samuel Johnson
February 16th, 2002, 07:33 AM
February 16th, 2002, 07:48 AM
Not off the top of my head. Sorry. It's hard these days to build a succesful site. My only advice would be to copy a "blueprint" from a site you like. But keep me informed, I'd like to see your new site.
Just PM me.
Mankind have a great aversion to intellectual labor; but even supposing knowledge to be easily attainable, more people would be content to be ignorant than would take even a little trouble to acquire it.
- Samuel Johnson
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