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February 18th, 2002, 08:47 PM
~*~*Hackers Face US Bombing*~*~
Hmmmm. . . . I dont know exactly how to interpret this article. . . . Its pretty interesting.
I doubt that they would bomb our own country! Right? Or would they? Like the White House technology adviser says:
the US "reserves the right to respond in any way appropriate" to tackle the growing number of internet warriors.
So what do you guys think? Do you think they will do it? Or are they blowing more smoke to scare away the kiddies? Give me ur thoughts on this. Below is the link to the article.
"Never give in-never, never, never, in nothing great or small, large or petty, never give in to convictions of honor and good sense. Never yield to force; never yield to the apparently overwhelming might of the enemy!" - Winston Churchill
February 18th, 2002, 08:54 PM
#2, I don't think they, in general, would.
February 18th, 2002, 08:56 PM
I wouldn't be surprised to see the Feds on the front page breaking into someones house.
February 18th, 2002, 09:09 PM
Re: ~*~*Hackers Face US Bombing*~*~
Originally posted here by RogueSpy
I doubt that they would bomb our own country! Right? Or would they?
They've been doing it for years. Wether it's burning down peoples homes in Waco, Texas, and claiming that it's a mass suicide to nuclear testing in deserts. They send jobs overseas, tax you so you can barley live and limit your access to arms. If that's not a Police state I don't know what is....
I doubt that Stealth Bombers will be dropping bombs on the latest kid to run a DoS attack on Yahoo though, but with the Terrorist paranoia running so high (and rightly so) who knows what the US Government are capable of?
February 18th, 2002, 09:11 PM
you never know.... they have been willing to kill innocent american citizen's at other times. so this would not surprise me. i doubt they will, but they may start being bigger *******s
Learn like you are going to live forever, live like you are going to die tomorrow.
February 18th, 2002, 09:22 PM
Only if they could find a way to line their pockets at the same time. Of course they would blame it on terrorism, and never admit to the fact that they had just caused the bombing, but that is beside the point.
\"Ignorance is bliss....
but only for your enemy\"
-- souleman
February 18th, 2002, 09:34 PM
Hackers face US bombing?They might but I doubt it. Hackers are elite they will find other ways they always have they always will.. I am in the state of FL and at my College my teacher told me there are 385,000+ hackers in my state alone.. so think 385,000 in one state think of how many are in the United States of America? (The whole world)! That's a whole lot of hackers I am not a hacker I am a cracker theres a difference! .. Our Government is very messed up I am anti-Government 110%. All I can say is if you think it's bad now you haven't seen anything yet the worse is yet to come!
[QUOTE][QUOTE]Hackers fix things Crackers breaks things yea right excellent media hype it's b.s Oh and to all the people who think they are hackers stay away from[URL][/URL and for the windows users hahaha stay away from alt 2600 newgroups meetings anything to do with them If I were you, I'd avoid posting messages here F.B.I C.I.A
February 18th, 2002, 10:06 PM
it sounds to me that the gov is just attempting to scare people. if they really planned on "bombing" terrorists that use the net as their weapon, they would not advertise it to the public. they would just act. that is how the gov works. we have people who penetrate other goverments the same way. ever since the goverment started using tech in world war 2, we have had cyber battles between goverments all outside the publics view. when it comes to gathering information, it is easier to use the classic methods of spying and using moles etc, than it is to try and penetrate a highly secured and monitored encrypted goverment system. and as far as attacks go, i know first hand that we could improve that on our side. that is part of my job actually. the gov is just trying to scare away the script kiddies until they can catch up and patch all the holes in our systems now that we have a "war" going on.
just out of curiousity, how the hell does your teacher know how many "hackers" are in your state? that makes no sense man.
February 18th, 2002, 10:43 PM
In a move that could send cruise missiles heading toward hackers' houses
hahah for some reason i find that funny.. hahaha..
and a bit ermm dumb.. hahah
most of u here are smart enough.. im sure u guys can figure out why i think its funny and dumb.. hahaha
February 18th, 2002, 11:28 PM
Hold on Im just putting on my Sex Pistols CD...
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