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Thread: another .com virus

  1. #1
    Senior Member
    Join Date
    Jan 2002

    another .com virus

    Discovered on: February 21, 2002
    Last Updated on: February 21, 2002 at 02:34:52 PM PST

    Mown.Demo is a concept virus that demonstrates how to exploit users' natural interest in Internet sites and the fact that Windows will open and execute any executable file that contains a .com extension.

    In this particular case, this demo virus was distributed as a DOS executable with the file name It can, of course, be distributed as any file name with the .com extension that is named to appear as if it were an Internet site.
    I used to be With IT. But then they changed what IT was. Now what I'm with isn't IT, and what's IT seems scary and weird." - Abe Simpson

  2. #2
    Interesting virus. . .
    I'm glad that whoever created this demo THOUGHT first and made JUST a demo, to explain the concept, rather than to prove it. . .

    Malicious virii really suck.

  3. #3
    I'd rather be fishing DjM's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    The Great White North
    I am really surprised that there haven't been more of these. It seems like such an easy way to suck in the average user.

  4. #4
    thanks for the warning!!!

  5. #5
    Senior Member
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    Originally posted here by llipschutz
    Interesting virus. . .
    I'm glad that whoever created this demo THOUGHT first and made JUST a demo, to explain the concept, rather than to prove it. . .

    Malicious virii really suck.
    lmao!! that was a good comment llip. I actually had to goto the bathroom, after reading that =)
    my pages: (great resources for everyone) resource for computers, hacking, virii, wutnot. archive of logs and resource for laughter.
    --enjoy these pages, as they grow.

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