February 23rd, 2002, 03:35 PM
Very Interesting - Leadership Qualities
Want to know what do you mean by Leadership. Then take this Stuff.
1. INITIATIVE – You must take the 1st step. Others will follow. Don’t expect things to happen. Make them happen. This means ‘Responsibility ’. Accept full responsibility for all your actions. Don’t blame others if things go wrong. Also means ‘Accountability’ . Be able to justify your decisions and actions. It involves taking ‘Risk’ sticking your neck out even if it means breaking the rules and conventions thereby trying out new ideas and new things. Do what you think is right even at the cost of incurring the displeasure of others.
2. INSIGHT – Means a deep understanding of yourself, of others and the environment. Look deep inside of you and be aware of your strength and weakness. Similarly, find out the strength and weakness of others, convert your weakness into strength and likewise help others to do the same. Try to understand the surroundings of your work place. Be the eyes and ears of the organization.
3. INSPIRATION – Spring from your Vision , Trust and Passion . Visions are goals you set for yourself. Keep your sights high and make all out efforts to reach your targets. Trust is developed on personal beliefs, which come from within you. Passions are things, which are so near, and dear to you. When you are passionate of anything, you will automatically be inspired to fulfill your desires and dreams. To inspire others, first inspire yourself.
4. IMPROVISATION – When leaders improvise they use their ‘Creativity’ . They use their skills of doing things differently and not doing different things! We too have to get rid of old ways and innovate new ones. Innovation is making something out of nothing. To improvise means to be ‘FLEXIBLE’ . No place for rigidity. Must be able to adjust and adapt to changing situations. The clearer your vision, purpose or objective the easier it becomes to be flexible. If you cannot reach your objectives by the straight road, a little zig-zagging could help. Look and listen, as this will help you improvise.
5. INVOLVEMENT – Means getting actively involved in the performance of each individual member of the team. Encouraging them to share in your thinking and be apart of your vision and obtain their commitment. Take them into your confidence and they will automatically confide in you. Leadership is about relationship with your team members creating a working partnership.
6. IMPLEMENTATION – It involves taking ‘ACTION’ on all your plans. We must plan our work and then work our plan. Planning involves deep and clear thinking. Must take into consideration the views and opinions of others before implementing our plans. So far as possible stick to your plan but do not be too rigid. If circumstances demand be prepared to change to suit changing needs.
Light the Path to Leadership.
if a person wants to learn.... he can learn anything..... just anything....!!!!!!
February 23rd, 2002, 05:38 PM
Where do I send my money?
I came in to the world with nothing. I still have most of it.
February 23rd, 2002, 06:05 PM
This sounds like some rubbish from my Business book at school!
February 23rd, 2002, 06:24 PM
I have been forced to attend to such courses at work.. They said it'll make me a better person, im still not a leader but they think so.. You have gone through these courses you have to be a leader, the courses got me some more money in the monthly paycheck though so it was not totally worthless .
But I guess that some people will learn a lot from this kind of courses. But I still want to believe that you either are born as a leader or not.
February 23rd, 2002, 06:35 PM
You will love this LINK
I came in to the world with nothing. I still have most of it.
February 23rd, 2002, 07:06 PM
Originally posted by rcgreen
You will love this LINK
LOL, I can only say:
- Reality bites .
February 23rd, 2002, 07:40 PM
February 24th, 2002, 06:30 AM
Senior Member
your last thread was Initiative...the 1st step.
was this then point 2/12??
I'm feeling better already
SlackWare my first, Debian my second....building my box into the ultimate weapon
February 24th, 2002, 08:22 AM
explain me this
I didn't get u. what do u mean by - 'where do i sent money?'
if a person wants to learn.... he can learn anything..... just anything....!!!!!!
February 24th, 2002, 08:55 AM
he is talking about the helpfull info like get rich quick scams
self improvement scams
or my favorite the how to motivate yourself
think about it if ur motivated enough to call and by the stuff
than why do u need motivation?
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