February 24th, 2002, 08:31 PM
February 24th, 2002, 08:47 PM
I agree peps should def include their name when giving out antipoints - is only right/proper thing to do....
February 24th, 2002, 08:57 PM
i totally agree with haram77.
well said man
February 24th, 2002, 09:25 PM
Pleae this happens all the time, we all get these kind of Antipoints. No need to make a thread insulting everyone, youre most likely to get neg points for this too not from me but some irate user.
Please there are plenty of ways to deal with such a trivial objective than making a thread although it is allowed considering it is General Chit Chat, oh well!
February 24th, 2002, 09:42 PM
Tell ya what people, I do not appreciate the influx of negative points as well as insults. Just b'cause I speak my mind and stand up for my beliefs doesn't give u the right to send insults like a punk bitch who is too afraid to sign them. I come here to learn all I can from u people on just about anything and everything. If u have a problem with me.....at least have the balls to sign ur bitch ass insult. There is no excuse for that kind of **** anyway. If u can't handle someone with different opinions than ur's.....hahahaa....well, u need help.
I agree with you haraam77 110%! Check these out
(you should be ban)
(Unfortunately, you DON'T know your ****.)
(you still are a kiddie u ****ing **********)
(YOU are an IDIOT...and it's 'public DEFENDER', as in 'DEFENSE') <---stupid mother****er
(quit your bitching, you twit.)
(this kind of question should be posted in anthorer site)nice spelling lame bitch.
For this mother ****er who wrote this (you still are a kiddie u ****ing **********) I know who you are! You better practice maximizing security,I am going to hack your ****ing computer, and I don't give a flying **** who reads this,send this thread to who ever you want it's not gonna help you. Thats not a threat thats a promise!You better believe that ****. Well if this is my last REPLY all I have to say is JP you have an excellent site. And to all the people who hurled insults, names etc....**** all these members Proactive, Negative,Remote access, rogue spy
February 24th, 2002, 10:05 PM
I am a cracker... Let me make something clear:
1. Freedom of Speech does NOT apply to forums owned by someone (JP in this case). If you come to my house and start talking ****, I have every right to 'remove' you...
2. The people who gave you the negative antipoints are entitled to their own opinion, just like you are...
3. I gave you negative antipoints for that porn-thread... I signed with my name...I didn't insult you, I didn't call you names...
4. If you know who the person is that assigned you with negative antipoints five times in a row, then that is an abuse of the system, and abuse will not be tolerated... the only right thing to do is inform JP or an admin.... THEY are the ones who will judge the use of antipoints, not you...
5. Haven't you noticed that your Hidden Post is just as sick as the comments you got?
6. Threatening to hack someone is not a smart thing to do...
February 24th, 2002, 10:36 PM
this is an ongoing problem so don't worry your not the first one this has happened to
February 24th, 2002, 11:07 PM
Woah Cracker, calm down. Glad to see that I'm not on your hit-list but seriously man you should chill. If you want anyone to take you seriously you are going to have to prove that you can co-exist in a mature and civilised way.
We are all part of the open source initiative here, in some way or another, we shouldn't be fighting amongst each other. We should be working towards the common goal, of making information free. Unless of course, someone really ticks you off, then you have ever right to singe their ass
February 24th, 2002, 11:09 PM
2. The people who gave you the negative antipoints are entitled to their own opinion, just like you are...
I agree with you 100%!
A lot of these members just see my name and decide to give negative points, because they didn't like some of my threads, from the past or because (they don't like me) half the time they don't even bother reading my material all the way throughly, they are just so quick to respond with such B.S comments etc...I seen it happen to other members here as well
February 24th, 2002, 11:15 PM
i am a cracker... i wish i was that person u were talkin about but i dont bother givin u negative points basicly because ur a idiot as it is and u have what u deserve. I would love to see u even TRY to "hack" me u little cracker ... Id love to meet u on IRC oneday so ud have all the info ud need to "try" and "hack" me cause id love to watch ur words of trying to seem like u have sumthing other then rage and stupidty accually maybe prove sumthin...
well if ur interested in meeting somewhere on IRC id be more then happy to show when ur ready but try to make it soon cause i hate waiting!
as for complaing bout getting negative points... get over it its not the end of the world.. idiots will do everything to try and stop u from getting more positive points then them its in thier nature.. as for getting alot of negative points from multiple people... i belive ud start to see the pattern of u not wanted here.. such a oblio... im glade hes here.. gives us all someone to make fun of when they do sumthin stupid 
[shadow]i have a herd of 1337 sheep[/shadow]
Worth should be judged on quality... Not apperance... Anyone can sell you **** inside a pretty box.. The only real gift then is the box..
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