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Thread: Great Cyber War in 2002!!!

  1. #1
    Fastest Thing Alive s0nIc's Avatar
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    Exclamation Great Cyber War in 2002!!!

    10 July 2002, 12:04 PDT - This time it is real. The great cyberwar has begun. I am sure of it. I have decided to record whatever happens here because I am certain that one of the many scenarios I have studied over the past decade is now taking place. Two days ago the following message(which is attatched in this post) was posted anonymously and with great craftiness on several commercial news sites.


    This declaration appeared on the front page of the CNN site at 8:30 on Monday morning. The CNN chief webmaster issued a statement an hour later claiming that it was not an official post and that their logs showed that no one inside the company could have posted it. Within seconds of appearing on the CNN site it also appeared on other high-traffic sites, such as USA Today, The Guardian, ESPN SportsZone,, and Africa Online.

    It seems like a great hack, and it is. But from the moment I read the declaration and saw the few headers from it that were posted, I felt deep in my being that this was no joke. All day Monday the cyberpundits deconstructed the hack. No one is taking it seriously. The old gurus of online security have focused on the technical aspects of such a widespread, simultaneous, and up-front hack. The webmasters have been embarrassed and admit they have no idea how such a broad prank could have been pulled. How can you post a notice on a front page without anyone official noticing it? It even made it onto the evening news and the morning papers. But by Tuesday it was off the TV news. I began looking at what logs and data I could find - most of it posted on the instant site that got going yesterday - and the more I read the more worried I became. I'm worried about the nondescript and inconsistent origins of the headers, worried about what the declaration said.

    Then this morning at 10:30, the president issued a press release, which I read on MSNBC. And this is what has me worried the most. She said that the message "superimposed" on CNN and on other news Web sites is believed to be a hoax, and that it is typical hacker mischief to be deplored, and not to worry, blah, blah, blah. It's all under control. She also said "our country has the best infrastructure monitoring system and is ready to protect critical systems throughout the country should there ever be an emergency."

    That worries me because I know what this means - it means they'll activate that still-born, Clinton-era disaster, the Minimum Essential Information Infrastructure (MEII). Hah! It's a load of horseshit. It couldn't protect a welded storage container. And I've told them that more than a hundred times, which is why I was dismissed. So yesterday I got two of my top Naval Postgraduate School students here in Monterey to help me process whatever we could find on the case. We decided to consider ourselves a crack cyberwar deterrent team. Ivar and Connie think it's all very educational. I think it may be the start of something very ugly. But we have no cred to do this. It doesn't help when you have to call from the Naval Postgrad School and ask someone for a sensitive path routing. "The Naval what?" they ask. "Are you calling from a boat?"

    Connie has been terrific. She has turned down her Living Death CDs and amassed quite a mountain of data in the last 24 hours. Ivars has contacted the owners of as many of the hacked Web sites as he can to obtain logfiles and just anydamnthing else he can wrangle away from them. He's also discovered several newsgroups where the declaration was posted that were not mentioned before. As we expected, the "People" used several anonymous remailers to brush over their trails on Usenet, but Ivars noticed that the sequence of remailers was unusual.


  2. #2
    IT Specialist Ghost_25inf's Avatar
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    You might be right, keep us updated as to what happens.

  3. #3
    Fastest Thing Alive s0nIc's Avatar
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    anyway.. if this happens ill be infront of ma computer, eating Pringles and drinking lemonade, listening to Card Captor Sakura songs.. hehehe

  4. #4
    Forgotten Ghost RogueSpy's Avatar
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    I really think this could be the start of something B I G! ! !
    This could really effect the way things are run in the US. We depend
    almost 80% on our computer systems. If our Government's systems
    were to go down. . . what would we do? I really hope this is a hoax.
    If not. . . we may be in deep ****!
    "Never give in-never, never, never, in nothing great or small, large or petty, never give in to convictions of honor and good sense. Never yield to force; never yield to the apparently overwhelming might of the enemy!" - Winston Churchill

  5. #5
    Fastest Thing Alive s0nIc's Avatar
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    well.. if i know the govt.. they would just dismiss this as a scare campaign by anti-american organizations.. just like the time when someone warned them about Sept 11...

    they were warned but dismissed it.. and see what happened.. they should have even sent jet fighters the moment the noticed 3 planes went off-course and hijacked..

    oh well..

  6. #6
    Senior Member
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    Originally posted here by RogueSpy
    I really think this could be the start of something B I G! ! !
    This could really effect the way things are run in the US. We depend
    almost 80% on our computer systems. If our Government's systems
    were to go down. . . what would we do? I really hope this is a hoax.
    If not. . . we may be in deep ****!
    I have to agree with RogueSpy. This is realy disconcerting. Many of us live "online". We do banking, ordering and such online. All of my clients are online and count on me to maintain the systems they run online. Most of them do all of their banking and such online. It is a real threat that I concieve if anyone has access to any of this information regardless of the location. Just think. If they could acces say the DOW Jones Industrial Index and change a company (say IBM for instance) only a few points to the negative. Imagine the impact. Even further. I know what the majority of us think about MS. But what if these jokers managed to spoof the stock in MS by say less than 50% of value. Can you imagine the impact? It would devistate the economy weather we like it or not. Lets just hope the massess of mindless sheep have applied all patches and hardened the systems they're responsible for. <fingers crossed> The world relys on IT and the internet far to much as it is. I don't know how many companies I have done work for that have no reliable back-ups. So we have yet to see.
    The COOKIE TUX lives!!!!
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  7. #7
    Senior Member
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    i don't know if it worries me or not though. cause i think the gov't is a bunch of *******s... but at the same time, they have some great puter people. on top of that, i wonder how well they monitor the net. they may already have it narrowed down. the capabilities of the internet are vast so i don't know what to think
    Learn like you are going to live forever, live like you are going to die tomorrow.


  8. #8
    Fastest Thing Alive s0nIc's Avatar
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    what intrigues me is the skills of these Black Hats.. they were virtually "undetected".. imagine what they can do..

  9. #9
    Senior Member
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    I don't see this as the start of a cyberwar, but I suppose there might be a few more DoS attacks than usual...I'll keep my eyes open.
    Elen alcarin ar gwath halla ná engwar.

  10. #10
    Priapistic Monk KorpDeath's Avatar
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    Dec 2001
    The author John Aquilla describes a completely fake scenario, so don't run to the hardware store and grab a Honda generator.
    Mankind have a great aversion to intellectual labor; but even supposing knowledge to be easily attainable, more people would be content to be ignorant than would take even a little trouble to acquire it.
    - Samuel Johnson

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