March 1st, 2002, 07:00 AM
Democrats.com and the anti-Bush movement
here is a newsletter that was fowarded to me. it has some interesting stuff in it, some of which i find quite funny. too bnad we don't know if any of it is true for sure... but still is an interesting read...
>__Anti-Bush Protests
>On Friday 3/1, Protest Bush in Des Moines, IA. On Monday 3/4,
>Protest Bush in Minnesota. On Wednesday 3/13, Protest Scalia in
>Buffalo, NY.
>__Thanks to the Internet, the Corporate Media's Big Lie About
>Clinton & Lay is Finally Exposed
>As the Enron scandal exploded in January, Republicans moved quickly
>to shift the blame AWAY from Bush and the Republicans. On Jan. 11,
>Matt Drudge posted a Big Lie, in which he blamed - you guessed it! -
>Bill Clinton. "[Ken] Lay also played golf with President Bill
>Clinton and slept in the Clinton White House." From Drudge, this Lie
>then made its way throughout the Corporate Media - Chicago Tribune,
>Weekly Standard, Washington Times, Arkansas Democrat-Gazette,
>Newhouse News Service, Times of London, ABC's This Week, Greta van
>Susteren's Fox News. Finally, the Big Lie was exposed by Gene Lyons,
>Salon.com, DailyHowler.com and Mediawhoresonline.com. This episode
>proves once again that the Corporate Media routinely lies for the
>Republicans, and the Internet is the only weapon we citizens have to
>insist on the Truth.
>__Tampa Three Video of Arrest for Saying 'BOOO' to Bush at Public
>On June 4, 2001, three citizens were arrested at a public
>presidential rally in Tampa, Florida for displaying negative signs.
>The rally was held at the Legends baseball field and was open to the
>general public. All three participants entered the field, signs in
>hand, without incident. The signs were letter size and read "BOOO,"
>"Investigate Florida Votergate," and "June is Gay Pride Month." Once
>on the field some republican volunteers began to shout "Get Out of
>here!" "Go Home!" The police were contacted and came down into the
>field. The police told the participants, "Lose the signs and you can
>stay." When the trio refused to give up their signs they were
>forcibly removed and subsequently arrested. Fortunately, the entire
>incident was caught on video, the charges were dropped and now the
>trio is suing. The video is now up on the Internet for everyone to
>__Theft of the Presidency Day 474: Another Statistical Analysis
>Shows Gore Won Florida
>On 7-15-01, NY Times reporters David Barstow and Don Van Natta Jr.
>documented how the Bush campaign pressured numerous Florida counties
>to count illegal overseas military ballots. A thorough statistical
>analysis of this data estimates that Bush gained 286 votes as a
>result of this massive fraud. Without those 286 illegal votes, the
>Florida Supreme Court would have declared Gore the winner on
>12-8-00, when it overruled Katherine Harris and accepted the results
>of partial recounts from Palm Beach and Miami-Dade and cut Bush's
>lead to 154. These 286 votes also put Gore over the top in most of
>the media recount scenarios.
>__Rep. Dennis Kucinich (D-OH) Offers a Powerful 'Prayer for America'
>"Let us pray that our nation will remember that the unfolding of the
>promise of democracy in our nation paralleled the striving for civil
>rights. That is why we must challenge the rationale of the Patriot
>Act. We must ask why should America put aside guarantees of
>constitutional justice? How can we justify in effect canceling the
>First Amendment and the right of free speech, the right to peaceably
>assemble? How can we justify in effect canceling the Fourth
>Amendment, probable cause, the prohibitions against unreasonable
>search and seizure? How can we justify in effect canceling the Fifth
>Amendment, nullifying due process, and allowing for indefinite
>incarceration without a trial? How can we justify in effect
>canceling the Sixth Amendment, the right to prompt and public trial?
>How can we justify in effect canceling the Eighth Amendment, which
>protects against cruel and unusual punishment?" So begins a powerful
>Prayer for America by House Progressive Caucus chair Dennis Kucinich
>__Dems Will Win in November if They Make Line 47 a Campaign Issue
>When taxpayers discover Line 47, the GOP is in deep doodoo. Paul
>Krugman writes: "Here's the story. The Bush administration didn't
>want to give those famous $300 rebate checks; its original plan
>would have pumped hardly any money into the economy last year. Under
>prodding from Democrats the plan was changed to incorporate
>immediate cash outlays. But those outlays were included only
>grudgingly, and with a catch: they really weren't rebates. Instead,
>they were merely advances on future tax cuts. What that means is
>that most taxpayers, when they reach line 47 of their 1040's, will
>discover that they owe $300 more in taxes than they expected. In
>other words, the one piece of the Bush tax cut that probably did
>help the economy last year is about to be snatched away. The direct
>monetary impact will be significant; the psychological impact, as
>taxpayers realize that they've been misled, may be even greater."
>And the political impact will be huge, if Dems make an issue of Line
>__Democrats.com Exclusive: Bush DOUBLE-SCRUBBED His SCRUB of WWII!
>On 2-20-02, we reported that Bush scrubbed WWII from history by
>declaring "for a century and a half now, America and Japan have
>formed one of the great and enduring alliances of modern times." Our
>source was the videotape from the BBC, which remains unscrubbed. But
>Democrats.com member William Sterner discovered that Bush
>double-scrubbed history, by scrubbing the official transcript of his
>speech - which now reads "for half a century now." There is no
>footnote, no assertion that an "error" was made - Bush simply
>rewrote history, just the way it was done in Orwell's 1984.
>Unfortunately, Rove & Hughes are the Abbott & Costello of scrubbing,
>because they missed the printer-friendly version (thanks to Zenia
>Brickheimer) and the USIA writeup at
>http://usinfo.state.gov/topical/pol/terror/02021803.htm (thanks to
>Anthony Espinosa). (Don't worry, we saved copies.) We demand a full
>explanation from Bush himself, in his own unscrubbed words!!
>__NY Times ADMITS Scrubbing 9-09 Warning
>On Feb 14, Democrats.com revealed that the NY Times "scrubbed" from
>its Web site a crucial warning about Osama Bin Laden that it
>published on 9-9-01 - just 2 days before Bin Laden's attack on the
>U.S. In response to our expose, the NY Times has admitted that it
>scrubbed the article (which was actually posted on 9-8-01) because
>the article was never published in the PRINT newspaper. This led us
>to ask: why was John Burns' prescient warning deemed NOT "fit to
>print"? Read our exchange and draw your own conclusion. We stick to
>ours! We believe it demonstrates the gross negligence of the CIA,
>NSA, Justice Department, and the White House in the events leading
>to 9-11. These agencies had MANY warnings, but the people at the top
>IGNORED them, at a cost of over 3,000 lives and billions of dollars.
>All of these screwups remain in their jobs! We demand a Blue Ribbon
>Commission on 9-11 and a thorough housecleaning - not a
>Congressional Coverup!
>__US Says Osama Had No Nukes or Bioweapons
>"An analysis of suspected radioactive substances seized in
>Afghanistan has found nothing to prove that Osama bin Laden reached
>his decade-long goal of acquiring nuclear materials for a bomb,
>administration officials say. The analysis of suspicious canisters,
>computer discs and documents conducted by the government suggests,
>in fact, that Mr. bin Laden and Al Qaeda may have been duped by
>black-market weapons swindlers selling crude containers hand-painted
>with skulls and crossbones and dipped, perhaps, in medical waste to
>fool a Geiger counter, officials said. More than 110 government
>buildings, military compounds, terrorist camps, safe houses and
>caves in Afghanistan have been searched for clues about Al Qaeda's
>plans and development of advanced terror weapons." So reports the NY
>__Mohamed Atta's Florida Flight School Is Linked to CIA
>911 pilots Mohamed Atta and Marwan Al-Shehhi learned to fly at
>Huffman Aviation in Venice, Florida. This small flight school is
>owned by a Dutchman named Rudi Dekker. Investigator Daniel Hopsicker
>has been researching Dekker's shady ties, and has now discovered a
>connection to the CIA - Dekker provides (through a small subsidiary
>called Brittnia Aviation) maintenance for Caribe Air, a notorious
>CIA "proprietary." Caribe Air is now owned by Banc Caribe, an
>offshore bank based in Dominica tied to money laundering - and
>possibly Enron's secret partnerships. Dekker's company has a "green
>light" from the DEA, which told the Venice Police to leave them
>alone. Interestingly, Dekker's company is also tied to both Jerry
>Falwell and Pat Robertson. Stay tuned...
>__Hazar Qadam Massacre Story Was A Pentagon Big Lie
>The Pentagon claims to have abandoned its plan to feed outright lies
>to the media. But as Alan Balch reports, in January several branches
>of Rupert Murdoch's evil global media empire reported the same lie,
>which was obviously concocted by the Pentagon. Murdochnews claimed
>US forces killed 15 Taliban and Al Qaeda soldiers in Hazar Qadam -
>which was the tip of the iceberg of 5,000 Taliban soldiers with 450
>tanks who were "regrouping" after they were routed in December. In
>reality, there were no Taliban or Al Qaeda fighters in Hazar Qadam -
>it was simply a massacre now blamed on "faulty intelligence." This
>means the Pentagon HAS been lying to the foreign media. We demand an
>investigation by the Armed Services Committees!
>__Northern Alliance Soldiers Rape Pashtun Women and Girls, But Bu$h
>is Silent About US-Backed EVIL
>"The ouster of the Taliban by the US-backed Northern Alliance did
>not stop the use of rape as a way to demoralize and dominate. But
>what has changed since the fall is the identity of the victims, now
>mostly Pashtun families and displaced people living in camps, the
>losers following the defeat of the Pashtun-dominated Taliban. The
>crime is perpetrated, say victims and aid workers, by the men who
>answer to warlord Abdul Rashid Dostum, a Northern Alliance commander
>whose 3,000-man army, Junbish-e-Millie, now rules much of the
>country's north. Most women are too afraid and ashamed to talk about
>being raped. But, Nazu, a Pashtun mother of 10, was willing to
>describe what happened to her, and to her girls." Dostum has long
>been known for his gross abuse of human rights, but under the
>Bush/Russert doctrine, our government stands behind him 1000%. What
>happened to Bush's fight for Afghan women's rights? Where is Laura
>Bush? Their silence is more confirmation that the war was really
>about OIL.
>__Judge Orders Energy Dept to Release Cheney Task Force Docs
>"A federal judge on Wednesday ordered the Energy Department to
>release thousands of records on Vice President Dick Cheney's energy
>task force, criticizing the government for moving at 'a glacial
>pace.' The ruling by U.S. District Judge Gladys Kessler could
>undermine the Bush administration's effort to keep secret the names
>of industry executives and lobbyists who met with the White House as
>it formulated its energy plan last spring…Starting March 25, the
>Energy Department must turn over its documents to the Natural
>Resources Defense Council, an environmental group. It must complete
>the task by April 10...In a statement, the environmental group
>expressed confidence that with the court victory in hand, the NRDC
>'expects to make public -- for the first time since the task force
>was formed more than a year ago -- the names of participants, dates
>of meetings, and the topics discussed.'" Will it at last find out
>about Enron's influence – or will it get appealed up to the 5
>Supreme Felons?
>__How Cheney Screwed Florida for Bush's Energy Donors by Approving
>Offshore Oil Drilling
>Cheney will fight to the death before releasing details of his
>Energy Task Force. But here's a glimpse at one key decision,
>approving oil drilling off Florida's West Coast. In Feb. 2001, just
>3 weeks after stealing the White House, Cheney met with the Chairman
>of Shell Oil, Steven Miller, and the Chairman of Andarko Petroleum,
>Robert Allison Jr. How did they get access to Cheney so quickly?
>"Allison gave $150,000 to the Republican Party; Miller gave $10,500
>to the party and $1,000 to Bush's presidential campaign." Moreover,
>Lynne Cheney made $250,000-$500,000 when a company on whose board
>she sat, Union Pacific, merged with Andarko. In May, Cheney told
>Florida's Congressional delegation "the administration would not
>agree to a ban on new offshore drilling in the Gulf." In July,
>Cheney approved the lease of 1.5 million acres. "In a December
>auction, Anadarko and Shell won the right to develop several prime
>sites." This is blatant corruption. We demand a Special Prosecutor!
>__Cheney's Ailing Halliburton Gets BushCheney Bailout - BIGTIME!
>Here's a mega-scandal we somehow missed. According to the Institute
>for Southern Studies, "Last December, the US Department of Defense
>made a no-cap, cost-plus-award contract to Halliburton KBR's
>Government Operations division. The Dallas-based company is
>contracted to build forward operating bases to support troop
>deployments for the next nine years wherever the President chooses
>to take the anti-terrorism war." This explains why BushCheney want
>PERMANENT war. It also positions Halliburton perfectly to go after
>oilfield services contracts near US military bases - especially all
>the new bases around Afghanistan in Caspian oil country. When this
>deal was negotiated, Halliburton was facing possible bankruptcy over
>asbestos lawsuits. Did Halliburton get the BushCheney bankruptcy
>bailout that Enron was allegedly denied? We want to know more, but
>the Pentagon scrubbed the contract from its Web site. We demand a
>Special Prosecutor!
>__Halliburton Got a Multi-Billion Dollar Contract After Stealing
>Millions from the Pentagon
>The last time Halliburton subsidiary Kellogg Brown & Root (KBR) got
>military a contract, it fraudulently overbilled by $6 million,
>according to whistleblower Dammen Gant Campbell. Ashcroft's
>Injustice Department settled for $2 million, letting Halliburton
>keep $4 million that it stole of YOUR money. But that settlement was
>not reached until 2/8/02. So how did Halliburton get a new 10-year
>military contract on 12/17/01 that is worth untold billions? We
>demand an investigation by the Pentagon's Inspector General!
>__King George I Made $4.5 Million on Global Crossing
>According to Business Week, "The elder Bush and his wife, Barbara,
>sold 100,000 Global Crossing shares on Nov. 16, 1999, for $4.45
>million, according to the documents. Then, the Bushes notified the
>SEC they were selling an additional 1,000 shares on Mar. 13, 2000,
>for $55,000. The former First Family had acquired at least 100,000
>shares of Global Crossing stock as a private investment on Apr. 21,
>1998, the documents say. The shares listed in the documents may have
>been payment for appearances the elder Bush, whose normal speaking
>fee ran $80,000, made at Global Crossing conferences... The Bushes
>acquired the 100,000 shares four months before Global Crossing went
>public at $19 a share (the stock split two-for-one six months
>later). The documents don't indicate how much Bush paid for the
>shares since he acquired them before the company was public. It's
>also not known whether he bought additional shares of Global
>Crossing before or after it went public."
>__'Enronitis' (Greed Disease) Epidemic in GOP: Orrin Hatch's Pal
>Earl Holding Uses Deceit to Make Killing off Olympics at Taxpayer
>With the help of friends in high places, including Orrin Hatch, oil
>billionaire Earl Holding got pretty most of his wish list -
>including a $15 million road that will make access to his new
>development a breeze. Not only is the road being paid for by
>taxpayers, it was exempted from basic environmental reviews. Holding
>also used the Olympics as a pretext for conducting a sneaky land
>swap with the U.S. Forest Service that handed him 1,320 prime acres
>for his development. How could this be? Holding's pals in Utah's
>Congressional delegation (including Hatch, who received $30,000 from
>Holding) ensured that Holding got all he wanted, complete with
>special riders tucked neatly into massive spending bills and other
>complex legislation, where nobody would pay attention. Not only
>that, but these folks lied for Holding, claiming the land swap and
>road were necessary for the Games' success--even though most of the
>building on the land he acquired is years away from completion.
>__Tom DeLay's Top Aide Broke the Law to Get Enron Lobbying Contract
>Roll Call has scored a MAJOR investigative coup that could bring
>down Tom DeLay's top aide. "At the top of the DeLay political
>hierarchy sits Edwin Alexander Buckham, a 43-year-old ordained
>evangelical minister with a dense political and legislative resume
>who rose to become DeLay's chief of staff after Republicans won the
>majority in 1994... Buckham left DeLay's staff Dec. 20, 1997, but
>was immediately hired as a consultant for the lawmaker's leadership
>PAC, Americans for a Republican Majority." BEFORE he left - on
>11-12-97 - Buckham was working on a lobbying proposal to Enron that
>led to a $750,000 contract to promote electricity "deregulation,"
>Enron-style - after DeLay pushed Enron to hire his aide. Buckham
>says he had nothing to do with the proposal, and that his letterhead
>was forged. Hey Rev. Ed - put your hand on a Bible and tell that lie
>to a jury. We demand a CRIMINAL investigation!
>__Enron-Stained Army Secretary Thomas White Must Resign Immediately
>"Thomas White, the former Enron vice chairman appointed by George W.
>Bush to be Secretary of the Army, should resign immediately. The
>case against White is self-evident. Touted as "one of the most
>outstanding managers in corporate America" by Enron's favorite
>senator, Phil Gramm, he was named Army Secretary, promising to bring
>"sound business practices" to the Pentagon. But White's entire
>business experience was at Enron, where he participated directly in
>the lies and mismanagement that resulted in its bankruptcy and the
>betrayal of investors and employees. Enron's business practices
>generally, and White's in particular, are the last thing that should
>be inflicted upon the Department of the Army." So writes Robert
>Borosage in The Nation.
>__Former Enron Programmer Says Enron Gouged California
>Here's a bombshell: a former computer programmer at Enron has
>written a letter to Senator Barbara Boxer, claiming "Enron congested
>the state's transmission lines and then resold the power in the
>state's wholesale electricity market at skyrocketing rates." "David
>Fabian [is] a former employee for Enron's trading unit who wrote the
>company's trading software for electricity and natural gas sales."
>"I never witnessed this but this is what the traders talked about,"
>Mr. Fabian told Dow Jones Newswires. "I spent a lot of time with
>traders writing the software programs and they discussed how they
>could use tricks to get high prices for electricity." "California is
>seeking $9 billion in refunds from generators, including Enron, for
>allegedly gouging utilities. The Federal Energy Regulatory
>Commission is investigating Enron's role in California 's power
>crisis and expects to issue a decision on the refund case in the
>__Enron Stole $220 Million from Connecticut Taxpayers, Thanks to
>Gov. John Rowland
>Here's a deal that will make you laugh - if you live OUTSIDE of
>Connecticut. Enron conned the Connecticut Resources Recovery
>Authority into handing over $220 million in CASH in return for an
>IOU of $2.4 million per month until 2012. Where is the collateral,
>you ask? Don't bother asking - this was a REPUBLICAN deal, approved
>by Gov. John G. Rowland's Chief of Staff, Peter Ellef, who also
>serves as chairman of the trash authority. We'll add Rowland to the
>ever-growing list of Republicans whose careers will go down the
>tubes with Enron - joining Jeb Bush (FL), Rick "Goodhair" Perry
>(TX), and ultimately the Commander-in-Thief Himself.
>__Enron Used CIA Agents and NSA's Echelon Intercepts to Coerce
>Foreign Governments
>Once again, the National Enquirer has scooped the corporate media
>with real investigative reporting. "The corruption at Enron went far
>beyond unbridled greed and rampant sex- it also involved
>international espionage and electronic spy warfare, the Enquirer has
>learned... 'There have been at least 20 CIA agents on the payroll of
>Enron in the past eight years [training] Enron employees in
>intelligence gathering and security, [helping Enron] get billions of
>dollars in lucrative contracts in Asia, South America and Europe.
>'Basically what the CIA operatives were able to provide was detailed
>information on bids made by foreign companies on projects of
>interest to Enron. 'They used human intelligence and also info
>gleaned from a satellite project called 'Echelon.' The satellites
>intercepted e-mails, phone calls and faxes with detailed business
>information... 'Pure and simple, U.S. intelligence agents were
>involved in corporate espionage.'" We demand a Special Prosecutor!
>__'Pug' Winokur Played Crucial Role in Enron's Fraudulent
>Enron's massively fraudulent partnerships were the brainchild of CFO
>Andrew Fastow, the current frontrunner in the "Enron Pokey" contest.
>But which Enron director did the most to promote Fastow's fraud?
>According to the NY Times, "In October 1999, Herbert S. Winokur Jr.,
>a longtime Enron director who is chairman of the finance committee,
>presented the case for the second [much larger] partnership at a
>meeting of the full board... The board approved the partnership,
>with Mr. Fastow at the helm, and waived Enron's code of ethics a
>second time." Winokur is now in charge of "scrubbing" the Enron
>investigation; here's how NY Times columnist Frank Rich described
>his testimony to Congress. "Appearing before the House Commerce
>Committee with condescension in his voice and a flag pin in his
>lapel, he contradicted himself so much under questioning that one
>member, Bart Stupak of Michigan, told me he had 'impeached his own
>testimony.'" We demand a Special Prosecutor!
>__Why Didn't the NY Times Fire Katherine Seelye for Lying About Al
>In December 1999, NY Times reporter Katherine Seelye misreported a
>statement by Al Gore about Love Canal. Seelye had her mind made up
>that Al Gore routinely bragged and exaggerated, and twisted Gore's
>uncontroversial words about holding the first Congressional hearings
>on Love Canal into an allegation that Gore claimed he "discovered"
>Love Canal. After the Times declared it had a rule against
>"falsification," Democrats.com member Joseph Comstock debated
>Timesman Bill Borders on why Seelye was never fired.
>Copyright (c) 2002 Democrats.com and/or its suppliers. All rights
March 1st, 2002, 10:27 AM
On one hand, I'm occasionally inclined to say: "Hmm. That would explain a lot." or "That makes sense."... On the other hand, given some of the cited sources, I'm inclined to ask: "And did a two-headed angel Elvis appear too?"
[HvC]Terr: L33T Technical Proficiency
March 1st, 2002, 12:38 PM
selling crude containers hand-painted with skulls and crossbones and dipped, perhaps, in medical waste to fool a Geiger counter
yeah well you wouldn't want to crack a container of nuclear material open to have a look-see and make sure its all just like you ordered
March 1st, 2002, 01:06 PM
Don't believe the media, trust no one, not even yourself. Propaganda is all it is. There is no right or wrong, only that everyone perceives each in a different way.
-Friends come and go. Enemies accumulate-
March 1st, 2002, 05:07 PM
Don't believe the media, trust no one, not even yourself. Propaganda is all it is. There is no right or wrong, only that everyone perceives each in a different way.
i didn't say i trusted or believed anyone. and since the media didn't put it out you aren't really making much sense. this was put out by democrats. so of course at least some of it if not all is propaganda. i also mentioned in the first post: it has some interesting stuff in it, some of which i find quite funny. too bnad we don't know if any of it is true for sure... but still is an interesting read...
Terr... i agree. some of it really does make alot of sense, but can we really believe it. just because the explanation is somewhat logical or fitting, is it true? i wonder...
March 1st, 2002, 10:04 PM
Originally posted here by cold_connection
There is no right or wrong, only that everyone perceives each in a different way.
"When the doors of perception are cleansed, man will see things as they truly are......infinite..." Jim Morrison.....
Just because these articles don't come from "reputable" media sources doesn't make them wrong or fake.......just different.
I actually have a harder time believing the propoganda that spews forth from these so called reputible media organisations......
March 1st, 2002, 11:29 PM
__Enron Used CIA Agents and NSA's Echelon Intercepts to Coerce
Foreign Governments
Once again, the National Enquirer has scooped the corporate media
with real investigative reporting. "The corruption at Enron went far
beyond unbridled greed and rampant sex- it also involved
international espionage and electronic spy warfare, the Enquirer has
learned... 'There have been at least 20 CIA agents on the payroll of
Enron in the past eight years [training] Enron employees in
intelligence gathering and security, [helping Enron] get billions of
dollars in lucrative contracts in Asia, South America and Europe.
I mean, the way it is phrased... More sensationalist than informative-feeling. Plus, it's a tabloid.
[HvC]Terr: L33T Technical Proficiency
March 1st, 2002, 11:34 PM
Just so you know, I didn't read much of the original thread. But I don't think I had to, I'd say the following either way.
I think the two party system is fundamentally flawed. People are more concerned about being a Republican or a Democrat then with doing the right thing. I think candidates should just print out a list of their policies, and these will be mailed to everyone. Then they can have a few televised debates where they actually have to answer the questions asked of them.
Maybe I'll post a new thread in Cosmos about this?
March 2nd, 2002, 12:11 AM
Mankind have a great aversion to intellectual labor; but even supposing knowledge to be easily attainable, more people would be content to be ignorant than would take even a little trouble to acquire it.
- Samuel Johnson
March 2nd, 2002, 12:18 AM
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