Taken from LockDown Corp

I dare say the vast majority of peps here are aware that Mobman is the creator of the tool of choice for s|<ript |<iddies everywhere Sub7 Heres a couple of passages from an interview between him and LockDown Corp.......
i don't keep working on it because it's intended
for malicious use... most of the people don't see, or don't want to see many of the positive uses... i've
talked to admins who use it remotely to have complete control of other pcs, to parents who use it to watch their
kids, internet clubs, etc.
but then he goes on to say.....
Will the new Bot carry DDoS features such as Bionet Trojan and a multitude of other IRC Bots?

<mobman> it's likely that these kind of features will be implemented
what legit use could there be for DDos bots???
Also what about the other options like screen flip and matrix....what use would a legit user have for these?

So you gotta ask who is really to blame the script kiddies or the people who supply them with the tools???
