someone who's variously made a living as a visual artist and a musician, i just have to say get used to it...there's always people like oblio...who criticize...even make personal attacks because they don't like or don't understand what you're trying to say...truth is it doesn't matter...if YOU like what you do...or if it does something for you...then suck it up...tell the critics to f-off and go write some more...or paint or whatever...

"teenage angst" and angst in general has produced much of what we call music and art ...i know my most creative times are also the times when i'm most miserable...

and besides...even if your stuff does suck (not saying it does)...the ONLY way to get better is to do what you do...over and over...i guarantee you'll be mightly embarassed by your early stuff...but that will be because you got better...

my advice...leave the troll alone and don't get involved in a flame war...especially over something as subjective as creativity...unless getting invovled in one makes ya more creative...hehe