This is kind of like the existence thread, but I hope that it does not become like it. Anyway. . .
I was reading the paper this morning just before I went to work, another long day on computers, knowing I cannot wait until I get home, I am going out with a new friend. . .
That is when it hit me, I just started thinking about life and the meaning of it. Then I thought a little deeper. Not really why are we here, but what is the meaning of it. We are here for about 75 years, plus or minus, we train our brains, grow, age, then we die and it is all over with. {Not concerning afterlife or anything of that sort, if you want to discuss that goto that thread} But during this life, what are we supposed to do? I know someone who had the signature here, forgot who sorry, that said 'this life is only a test, I repeat only a test, if this were real we would have been told what to do and where to go' {If that was your sig, please contact me and I will tag it with your name} But really, we're born, we live, we die, then it is over. We are happy, then sad, then happy, but why? I mean really why? What do we really do on this earth? Shall we live for a 'greater good' like the Al Queida, or nazis? Should we live for ourselves and not care for anyone? Should we make our own beliefs like charles manson? Really, what is the point of it all? How about living for your children, {I am not married and have no kids} then they live for their children, and so on and so forth. So what are all of your opinions? I am very curious as to what everyone here believes we should do, and why in the end we should do it?

I would also like to leave with a quote, from some movie forgot which one.
"Maybe the only true meaning of life, is that there is no meaning, you decide."