I seem to have discovered a small XChat flaw..... When on IRC my nickname is Alex[] and ac1dsp3ctrum.... Today someone came in (Oso) and started changing nicks, When he/she changed nicks to Alex{} (notice {} not []) It also changed MY nick (client side only) Then after they kept on changing nicks it did the same thing to me... Weird ****... An example is included....
As you can see the little ****er DoS'd me off the AntiOnline Server... Damn it... Time to report to XChat staff

--- ac1dsp3ctum is now known as Alex[]
<xmadd-cig> crazy isn't, guess who it is?
<Alex[]> hehe
<Alex> lol
<Alex[]> got it!!
<Alex> no, it kjeeps changin MY nick
<ac1dsp3ctrum> --- You are now known as ac1dsp3ctum
<ac1dsp3ctrum> <ac1dsp3ctum> lol
<ac1dsp3ctrum> <xmaddness> lol
<ac1dsp3ctrum> <mmoehring> not me
<ac1dsp3ctrum> <ac1dsp3ctum> chill out
<ac1dsp3ctrum> --- Alex[] is now known as Alex
<ac1dsp3ctrum> --- You are now known as Alex[]
<xmaddness> hmmm..
<mmoehring> some one is on crack
<Alex> lol
<Juridian> crack kills
<xmaddness> this is like musical chairs
<Alex[]> lol
--- xmadd-cig is now known as xmaddnesss
<xmaddness> someone is really board
<xmaddnesss> yep
<Alex[]> bored?
--- mmoehring is now known as hackerhellspawn
<Alex[]> motherbored
<xmaddness> which one am i
* xmaddnesss agrees with himself
<hackerhellspawn> ahh thats better
<xmaddness> am i this one, or?
<xmaddnesss> this one?
<xmaddness> lol
<xmaddnesss> heh
<xmaddness> w00t
<xmaddnesss> w00t w00t
--- xmaddnesss is now known as Shangrila
<xmaddness> so now what am i gunna do?
<Shangrila> hey
<xmaddness> lol
<hackerhellspawn> lay off the crack thats what
<hackerhellspawn> lay off the crack thats what
<-- AntiChat has kicked Alex[] from #antionline (flood)