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Thread: about the book of mormon

  1. #11
    Senior Member
    Join Date
    Jun 2002
    I got a many Apostles did Jesus have? Twelve. Now why is that only about 5 or six' testimonies appears in the New Testament? What happened to remaining account of events? One can't argue that maybe they did not keep a journal, for they were in the presence of one of the greatest and highly admired people in history. Surely they kept a record somewhere. Why do they not deserve a mention in the New Testament???
    \"When I give food to the poor, they call me a saint. When I ask why the poor have no food, they call me a communist.\" -- Dom Helder Camara

  2. #12
    I semi agree but the one thing that hasn't been stated is that the bible in supposed to be inspired from God. So that the acutal writtting would be from god. If thats the case than there chould not be any more additions to the bible. That would make it complete but god. I do agree that interpitation has played a very large part modifing the original text. The Dead sea's scrools are supposed to be original transcript from Moses, plus other events that had happened. What changes did King James do. What about the interpration of Hilter and the white suppremicy???
    You can always change a view of text the key is what the true inspireation is.

  3. #13
    Senior Member The Old Man's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    Ahem, ...may we digress here; the celebrated "Dead Sea Scrolls" were, to the best opinion by the scholors on hand in the early years of the discovery, composed at various dates between about 170 B.C. and 68 A.D. They represent the religious beliefs of an (probably) Essene Brotherhood which occupied the monestary during that time (based on the discovery of coins at the site) at Qumran on the western shores of the Dead Sea. The latter date of 68 A.D. coincides roughly with the arrival of the Tenth Roman Legion which had been sent to take care of a Jewish revolt. It is quite probable that the Brother's contemporary scrolls, as well as several which were somewhat older than the contemporaries, were hidden up at that time to defeat discovery by the Legionaires. The main Monestary was designed as a fort, by the way, and certain relecs have been discovered which support the theory that the good brethren were trying to defend their monastery. ..... Haven't found anything from Qumran supposed to be written by Moses, though, maybe someone could enlighten us?

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