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Thread: Best way to make online backups...

  1. #1

    Best way to make online backups...

    How is the best way to make unlimited, secure, online backups of documents and program files? Is there someway I could save backups on a highly secure online archive? If so, how would I do it? I'm new at this so I don't know if I am using the proper terminology.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    I don't know how to back files up online but I wouldn't suggest it. I use a ZIP drive and keep all my important files on cassettes and in my safe box at the bank.

  3. #3
    Ryan, I've never depended on someone else to do my backups, I've always backed up via tape, cd-rw, spare hd's all dependent on each clients needs and funding.
    I'd love to hear an argument for an online backup but I can't convince myself with what I've seen that it's a rocksolid way to go.

    How much are you looking to backup? Is this home use or business?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    The only thing I can think of is FTP banking...

    I'll find a link to a tread that past a few days ago...

    Here ya go...

    Here's a link to a site with a list of "free online hardrives" and their storage allowance

  5. #5
    The Iceman Cometh
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    Check out AmeriVault ( That should handle what you're looking for. It's not cheap, though, and, personally, I would never feel secure having my data on someone else's server. I would recommend what Jaguar and TC said: make your own backup onto some removable medium and store them somewhere safe. I have DLT drives for my servers and keep a backup of each in a safety deposit box, in case anything were to happen. For normal documents, though, I'd go with either a Zip or a CD-RW, or maybe even one of those external harddrives (either firewire or USB 2.0), though I'm not sure how reliable they are.


  6. #6
    Also yahoo's briefcase gives you 30MB free space for your files. If you are going to backup your files online. I recommend you to zip and password protect them ( a strong password ).
    also there are some other websites which gives you free space but I like yahoo's briefcase more.

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