I figure today is a good day to ruffle some feathers. Here goes...

What is up with this "My God is better than your God" bulls**t? People have had this syndrome since the beginning of history. More blood has been spilt in the Crusades, Inquisition, holocaust, ethnic cleansing, and now this jihad s**t than any other conflicts. And why? Just because some fool thinks their god is the "one true god." Has anyone ever wondered if all these gods from all these different religions could be one in the same? How do we know how to worship? How the world started? What will happen when we die? A holy book written by man... And we all do know that man is faluable. Really, if you think about it, why would the "one true God" show his/her self to one geographical location and then leave the rest of the world out of the loop letting them come up with their own ideas? With that said, why do people insist on "saving" other peoples souls when they are actually worshiping the same thing, but only in their own way? Maybe we should learn to accept other religions--both the positive and negative aspects. Maybe then we could understand the true meaning of religion--real spirituality.