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Thread: Terror and its impact on society.

  1. #21
    Senior Member
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    Jun 2002
    The full text of Usama bin Ladin's alleged audiotape can be found here .

    Edit: didn't work for me 5 minutes ago when I saw your post Sypder32, but it seems to be working now. Thx
    \"When I give food to the poor, they call me a saint. When I ask why the poor have no food, they call me a communist.\" -- Dom Helder Camara

  2. #22
    Senior Member
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    It's a pretty chilling audio tape, however it is questionable if it is indeed Bin Laden. Another thing to consider if it is him is that by having audio tapes instead of video tapes, he might be fearful of his location or he could have changed his appearance and doesn't want anyone to know. It will be most interesting to see if it is him, and why he is making empty threat's IMHO.

    Space For Rent.. =]

  3. #23
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    Admit it or not, terror has had one helluvan impact on society. It has changed the way americans talk to each other, in public, and emotions in general. We are now in anew stage of life if you ask me. I just wish terror would die.

  4. #24
    Senior Member
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    Terror will die at some point or another the question is how will it end?
    Will it go through worse stages or is the worse behind us already ?
    assembly.... digital dna ?

  5. #25
    Senior Member
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    GORE - Good Paper!

    This is simply history repeating itself. These conflicts have been around for thousands of years, only the names of the participants have changed.

    I am interested to know what would have happend had the US not been attacked on 9/11, but maybe France or Germany? A big terrorist attack not the car bombs and such that happen all the time everywhere....

    Would Europe's left be willing to fight terrorism then?

    I guess I am trying to understand the US has a very low popularity (lower then usual in EU). What could the US do to repair it?

    If we back of Iraq completely (which I think we could) and then they do develop nukes. They could use one, but if they did the world would probably vaporize them. The only problem is they used on. Who would it be on? It most likely would not be used against the EU. It would most likely be used against the US or Israel. I think the EU would probably give a token of remorse but deep down not even care. That's just my opinion.
    Atlanta, GA

  6. #26
    Senior Member
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    lucktsm: attacking israel is even worse than attacking the US. Israel has a "never again" policy when it comes to wars, if Iraq attacked Israel with a nuke Israel would nuke as many things as they have nukes, it would cause more deaths than if they attacked the US which Iraq doesn't have the capacity to do because ICBM's are harder to conceal than nukes.

    US fopah: Bush is itching to attack Iraq for all the wrong reasons. He's got this I'll finish where my old man left off killin anyone for oil redneck attitude. The only point Bush may have is that the US policy has usually been a sort of "revenge" policy. You invade here we invade you you attack this we attack you. And Bush made it a point of implying (or his cabnet implied) that if we don't stop a possible threat before it starts the next terrorist action could be too horrible to imagine.

    European fopah: Europeans need to stop debateing about the issue and take an action. All the countries seam to want to do is talk and use diplomatic coy and try to take the road that offends the least amount of people, sure different countries have different motives but spending all your time chatting doesn't do anyone any good, there is a time for talk and this is not one of them. Bush is going to attack Iraq at the slightest provokation and the Europeans are decideing which side they support politicly and economically and but really lending any support to either side of the conflict trying to keep as many friends as possible. If you don't like what the US is doing stop your damned whineing and do something about it.

    Russian fopah: Russia condemed the war cause they sell the United States oil.

    Iraq fopah: Makiavali's principle applys here, you can be feared but make sure that you arn't hated because when they hate you they'll conspire against you.

    Alternate realities celebrate reality. If you cant handle the reality your in, then you wont be able to handle the one your attempting to escape to.

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