Hey Hey Everyone.. I was just reading on The Register and this looks rather interesting. The site is down right now, being in beta stages and experiencing high-loads ATM... but I'm definately going to be giving it a try when it's back up and running.

The more interesting bit is further down: "Turbo10 searches the Deep Net - a vast array of specialist databases that range from business associations, universities, libraries, and government departments. These specialist search engines are inaccessible to traditional crawler-based engines such as Altavista.com and google.com who can only index static pages. Turbo10 is the first commercial metasearch engine to connect to hundreds of these specialised engines en masse, broadening the depth and range of search results for the online searcher."
The core of Turbo10 is that you select your own engines. This is all done simply online. You select the ten you want, give the "collection" a name, and stick on your email address (it promises to never sell it) so you can be recognised and then this is added to a list of "collections" that you can select using a drop-down menu on the main search area.

So, basically, you could use the Turbo10 default setting (about, altavista, bbc, dmoz, encyclopaedia, goggle, msn, yahoo) for general Web searches but if you want a news story, you set up a collection of 10 news search engines and call it "news". You then select this one is what you want is news stories. Then, if you want say something technical, you set up another collection with 10 technical search engines.

The complete article is available here
Turbo10 Search Engine